Rescue from a Date

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Your best friend decides to play matchmaker, for you. Though it doesn't go so well, since you have two possessive friends...

"You set me up with who?!" You yelled.

"d-n." (date's name) Your best friend says with a bright smile.

You frown slightly, since your friend always had an obsession with trying to find your perfect soulmate or red string. You never knew that she would play matchmaker so soon. You never were really interested in dating, especially since of those two friends. You shake your head, remembering the last time when you went on a date. You remember seeing an obvious blonde and black haired boy stalking you and your date everywhere you went. Let's just say, your date ended falling into the water fountain because he slipped on a banana peel.

"Are you sure b-f-n?" (best friend's name) You ask, hoping that she could cancel the date.

"Yup! I already planned it be at this fancy new restaurant that just opened up." She says quickly, her eyes holding a dreamy look. "I wish I could get myself a boyfriend~" She sighs.

"Then why don't you just hook yourself up with someone. Since your so obsessed with setting me up." You say with a smirk.

"I can't, it's just, just, I don't know!" Your friend blurts out. You laugh at how silly your friend is.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. I got you this cute dress! I'll go get it!" She says with a giddy smile, running off to her room. You sigh, pulling out your phone from the back pocket of your jeans. You look at your notifications, seeing you got two text messages.

TooSexy: Heyo f-n! You doin anythin right now?

TooSexy: Hello? Anyone there?

You text back a short message.

(Whatever texting name you want): Yeah, I'm alive and kicking Prom.
You start putting away your phone, before you feel your phone vibrate. You open up your messaging, seeing a text from TooSexy.

TooSexy: I just got this sweet new video game. You wanna come over 2 my place and play all night?
(...): Sorry, my friend already planned something with me.
TooSexy: Man, Noct was gonna be there too.
Bored: Who's gonna be where?
(...): I see you're up. It seems to be a miracle hearing from you at 9 a.m.
Bored: Well I had a meeting 😒
TooSexy: Looks like someone didn't have enough sleep 😆
Bored: Shut up Prom

"f-n!" Your friend yells.

"What is it?" You ask.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the last minute." She tells you.

"Oh sorry, I guess I didn't hear you." You look back at your phone, typing a message.

(...): ttyl talking with b-f-n
Bored: Bye, say hi to her for me.
TooSexy: Bye cutie, I'll miss you 😘😎
Bored: Your unoriginal way of flirting never seems to surprise me Prom.
TooSexy: Hey! That's mean!
(...): lol, bye guys

You put away your phone, then look back at your best friend. She unzips the white coat around the concealed dress, revealing a (describe what your dress looks like; you can think of your own dress 4 this one ☺) dress.

"Thanks b-f-n. I love it." You say, pulling your friend into a tight hug.

"Hehe, no problem. Just promise me you'll make a good first impression." Your friend says.

"I'm not so sure I can keep that promise." You say, both of you breaking into a small laughter.

Time Skip to your Date
"So where is he?" You say into your phone.

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