High School Days

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f-n=your first name
l-n= your last name
b-f-n= best friend's name

You recently have been moved to a new high school, in the kingdom of Lucis. Today is going to be your first day attending the school. The girls' uniform consisted of a gray skirt, a white button up shirt, a black blazer, a red bow tie, and knee high socks. It was a nice change, much better than the itchy, plain jumper you wore before. You step out of the car dropping you off. You immediately see your best friend, b-f-n, running towards you.

"Hey f-n!" b-f-n greeting you in a hyper voice.

"Hi b-f-n" You reply back with a smile.

"C'mon, let me give you a tour of the school." b-f-n pulls your arm in a hurry, walking you around the campus.

You overhear the sound of girls giggling and some even screaming. You and your friend turn a corner seeing a group of girls gushing over a certain someone, or may I even say prince.

"Is that the prince?!"

"I can't believe we go to the same school!"

"Should I say hi to him?"

"I couldn't!"

You hear the many comments from the girls. Your best friend then nudges you with her shoulder, pointing to who the girls were talking about. Your breathe gets caught in your throat, seeing the person they were talking about. It was the Noctis Lucis Caelum, prince of Lucis. He slowly removes himself from leaning on the windowsill, walking away from the group of girls. He walks towards where the two of you stand. As he passes by, his hand lightly skims over yours.

Noctis glances at you, whispering a quiet, "Sorry."

"I-Its's fine, Noctis." You say back. He makes direct eye contact with you for a few seconds, before continuing walking forward. Though, what you missed were his cheeks painted a light red while meeting your sparkling eyes.

Once he was out of earshot, b-f-n says, "I can't believe you actually got to touch his hand!" She grabs your hand, examining it. "If I were you, I'd never wash that hand." She confesses. You shake your head, trying to hide your coming blush.

*Time Skip*
It was dismissal time for all students. You were heading towards your locker to drop off your books, when someone bumps into your shoulder, causing you to drop all your books onto the floor. You sigh, dropping down to your knees to pick them up. Thankfully, the person who bumped into helped pick up your books. You look up, your eyes meeting with bright blue ones. The person had blonde hair, with a cute smile in addition.

"Sorry! I was planning on meeting up with a friend after school, so I bumped into you." The mysterious guy says.

"It's fine." You reply.

You finally pick up all your books. You both stand up, letting him get a better look at you. His eyes widening, thinking, 'Wow, she's really beautiful.' His cheeks slowly becoming a rosy color. You look at him, seeing how flustered he looks.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine I just umm..." He pauses, still staring at you. "Oh yeah, my name is Prompto Argentum! Nice to meet you!" He says, sticking his hand out.

"I'm f-n l-n, nice to meet you too!" You say, shaking his hand, putting on a cute smile.

"Prompto! Where are you?I thought we were going to play Justice Monsters..."

You look over Prompto's shoulder, seeing Prince Noctis standing behind him. You let go of Prompto's hand, your arm falling back to your side.

"Oh hey Noct! I just got a little, side tracked." Prompto replies. "We can go now."

Noctis looks over at your figure, meeting your adoring smile. He pulls on Prompto's arm, telling him to talk with him in private. "Excuse us for a minute." Noct tells you. "Okaaay." You reply confused.

Once they were far enough from you, Noct asks, "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Wah...no! Why would you think that?"

"I was just asking. Do you think, we could invite her to play Justice Monsters with us?"

"Yeah, I guess. But why the sudden interest in her?" Prompto replies with a shocked expression.

"Just, trying to make more friends." Noctis replies, lying partially. He really just wanted to get to know you more, and this was the only he could think of. 'I mean like, imagine how weird would she feel if a Prince all of a sudden started talking to her with no reason. That it would be embarrassing.' He thinks.

They both walk back to your waiting figure. Noctis clears his throat to get your attention. You look back at them.

"So, f-n, we were wondering if you wanted to join us to play Justice Monsters?" Prompto asks, his voice going high-pitched the end.

"I'd love too! That game is really fun to play." You reply, your voice filled with excitement.

"You're into the game?" Noctis asks surprised.

"Yeah! Who says girls can't be into games?" You state, with your hands placed on your hips.

"OK, Ms. Feisty Pants, let's get going!" Prompto yells, grabbing you and Noct by the arm.

Time Skip
You guys ended up playing for three hours at the arcade. You were brought home in Noctis' huge car. Before entering your house, both of them snuck a kiss from you.

"Same thing tomorrow?" Noctis asks leaning against your doorframe.

"Probably, but what about our homework?" You say, laughing at how wide eyed they get when you mention the word homework.

"Shit, I totally forgot about how much homework they gave to us today!" Prompto exclaims, running his hands through his hair in a messy manner.

"Okay then. You guys should get going then." You say.

"Can we at least get a goodbye kiss?" Prompto asks with his best pouty face.

"Nope!" You say, slamming the door shut.

High school was going to get very interesting...

Noctis x Reader x Prompto ~One-shots\StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now