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Walking up the precinct steps, I sent a small smile to Sergeant Platt who seemed very annoyed. Raising her eyebrows at me, I gave an innocent smile. "Hi, so I have Jay's keys. Can you give them to him for me"

Nodding her head she went back to doing what she was doing before. Placing the keys on the counter, I slid them over to her before jogging down the stairs. Hopping into my brother's car who I had follow me to the precinct so I could bring my boyfriend his truck.

"So how was date night"

Chuckling at my brother, I sent him a smile. "It was good. We joked around, ate some pizza, became boyfriend girlfriend , saved some people from a drive-by shooting, I stole his truck. It was a good night"

Processing the words, he almost slammed on his breaks when he heard the words I casually stated. "Did you just say Boyfriend. As you two became official". Nodding my head slowly, a look of pride lit up in his eyes. "About freaking time"

Driving towards the firehouse, he was asking me about the incident that happened last night. Trying to describe the scene, it was hard. There was so much terror in the air, but people pushed it aside to help those who got shot, not caring that it ruined their night. "All I know is that Jay gave me his keys so I could drive home because Intelligence was going to take the case"

Parking his car behind my SUV that I left at the firehouse, we both climbed out. "How are you and Stella". My brother tried to hide his smile, but just thinking about the girl he cares about deeply, brought a bright smile to his face. Not even needing to hear the words, I knew they were really happy.

"All we have to do now is get Matt to ask out Sylvie"

"Good freaking luck with that. It took months for you and Stella to go to the next step."

Playfully pushing me away from him, I started laughing, because he even knew I was speaking the truth. Passing the threshold I was met with everyone acting in a sad manner. Pursing my lips suspiciously, I walked into the common room. Sylvie looked at me, sending me a sad smile. I was going to question her but she showed me her phone.

Taking it from her hand, the thing I saw broke my heart. It was a news article about last night. The picture on the very top was of me pulling a blanket over one of the victims who didn't survive. Blinking away the tears, I didn't even want to read the article. "Can you send this to Jay, I...". Understanding she nodded her head.

A hand wrapped around my shoulder, guiding me away. Sitting on the bed in Kelly's officer quarters, I looked at my hands. "I have a bad feeling about today Kelly". Sitting beside me, he radiated comfort and brotherly love.

"Well whatever happens, I will be with you sis. Your not alone". Leaning into his embrace, he did everything in his power to make me laugh, which meant he told me about this stupid thing we did when we were younger. No matter how hard I tried to not laugh, I did anyway.

"We were stupid. How did Benny not kick us out of the house"

"He tried, and failed". Shaking my head, I saw the door opening, Matt leaning on the door.

"Blake, there is some people here to see you". Furrowing my eyebrows, I stood up slowly. Casting a look to my brother, he too looked mildly confused. Leaving the bunk room, and towards the apparatus floor, I was surprised to see a family waiting by the truck.

As I approached them, smiles appeared on their faces. Before I could talk, I was met with hugs. Although I was shocked and confused, I still held a smile. As the pulled away, they held this happy, relieved energy. "Last night our sister Michelle Caldwell was rushed to the ER because of the mass shooting last night, and she saved you saved her".

Vividly remembering the woman, I nodded a look of relief in my eyes. "I did, she was the first person I got to last night. I'm glad to hear she is doing ok". Pulling me into another hug, gratitude radiated off of them. Watching them walk away, I felt some sort of peace wash over me.

Hearing the bells go off, I shimmied on my gear, before hopping in the truck. Following after Truck 81. I stood there quite confused as we stared at the building. There was no fire, there was no sense of gas.

As firehouse 51 looked at each other in confusion, we were all thrown back by a loud bang. Kelly's arms wrapped around my body, protecting me from the explosion. Sitting up quickly and making sure he was ok, I looked at the destruction. Screams echoing in the air.

Orders were being thrown around, as the once normal building was up in flames. Brett and Foster ran towards the people who were outside the building when it went, calling for more ambulances.

Securing the oxygen tank to my back, I rushed towards the building with my mask on. Cautiously opening the door, a tap on my shoulder caused me to enter. Jogging up the building's stairs, we guided people out of the building.

Screams continued to bounce among the building. Adrenaline was pumping through everyone, trying to get everyone out safely. My tank's meter started beeping, causing me to groan. "Chief my oxygen tank is running low" .

Leaning against the wall, I tried to catch my breath without using all my oxygen. "Blake get out of that building, paramedics can use a helping hand out here"

"You got it Chief". Quickly making my way out of the building, and placing all my gear in the truck, I rushed over to Sylvie and Foster.

Throwing me a pair of latex gloves, I immediately bent down to help. As I was wrapping gauze around a woman's arm, an overwhelming feeling rushed through me.

Lifting my head slightly, I glanced around the scene, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Until I spotted a certain grey four-door Sudan. Once I knew the lady was ok, I quickly stood up.

Once the person in the car noticed I was looking at them, they sped away. Jogging over to Boden, he could see something was wrong. "Chief I think we're looking at the same people that caused mass shooting last night. I just saw a suspicious looking car and they sped away the second I caught them"

Clenching his jaw, he gave a nod. "I will alert Voight, let him know the situation".

Staring back at the now non-burning building, I shook my head. These people really just wanted to cause mass panic, mass casualty and it was starting to work.

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