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"Cruz hand me the damn keys. You don't feel good".
The Latino boy in front of me did not look well, and I knew he would get worse if he want on call. Sighing softly, I felt the keys being placed in my hand.

Rubbing his back, I motioned Kelly over. As his eyes met Cruz's sickly posture, he understood the situation. "Cruz go lay down in the bunk room, I will talk to Boden and fill him in". Just nodding, I helped the boy into the common room. Bypassing the others without them noticing, I helped the boy relax.

"Get some sleep Cruz, it will be better to sleep off whatever this is". Watching the man close his eyes, I gave a sad look. Leaving the room as quietly as possible, I shut the door to block out the noises. Entering the common room, I sent my brother a nod.

"Hey guys try not to go into the bunk room, Cruz is trying to sleep off whatever sickness he has". All agreeing simultaneously, wanting the energetic teddy bear to get well. Someone was gong to question who was driving the truck but I cut them all off by holding the keys.

"Who do you think. I was the one who taught Cruz". Not a few minutes later the bells went off and I smiled at the idea of driving the truck again. Racing out of the common room and onto the apparatus floor, I put on the turn out gear before hoping into the drivers seats.

Bouncing around like a little kid, I turned the key in the ignition, grinning madly when the truck roared to life underneath me. Glancing at my brother he started shaking his head laughing. "You ready boys".

Watching Stella pull Truck 81 out, I followed suit. Turning on the sirens to get cars to move out of the way, noticing barreling towards Truck 81 and Squad 3, I pressed down on the horn, slamming in the break. Turning the wheel slightly to get the truck out of wreck position, Kelly called through the walkie to get the others to stop.

"Everyone ok" I asked, looking in the mirror. Only I received nods and thumbs up. Poking my head out the window, Stella sent me a thumbs up. Sighing slightly we got the call from Boden to keep going.

Shifting the truck into drive, I continued to drive towards the call. Slightly on edge, I was always checking the surroundings. Pulling the truck over to the side of the street, I hopped out of the truck.

Tapping my helmet, I was looked over the building. "Blake, Kidd do a sweep on the 3" touching the girls shoulder, we made our way towards the door placing the mask over our faces. Sending each other a look we both walked into the building, halligans in hand. Jogging up the buildings stairs and to the 3rd floor.

Seeing an open room, we both separated and walked the perimeter to find victims. Shaking her head, I pressed down on the walkie. "We got nothing on the 3rd floor chief".

Leaving the room, I caught noise of a sound, one that's correlates to wind being sucked out. Widening my eyes, I tackled Kidd to the ground in time for the stairwell to shoot out a fireball. Coughing at the impact, I stared at the flames, knowing we won't be able to get through that. "Chief Kidd and I are stuck on the 3rd. Fire overtook the stairwell"

Moving towards the windows, I saw Capp moving the latter towards us. Tapping the glass with the Halligan, we both cleared the little glass shards so we couldn't cut ourselves. Standing on the ledge, I grabbed a hold on the wrung on the ladder before holding my hand out to Stella.

Making sure she was safely on, I turned around just in time to hear the air being sucked out. "Moving the ladder Capp! It's about to go". Lunging for the wrung, I wrapped my arms around it. The second the ladder moved away from the building, the entire third floor was engulfed into flames.

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