i have no idea how to say this...

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TBH this has probably been one of the most hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I have never pictured an ending to Wattpad. I knew it needed to come to a stop at some point in my life but I never visioned it to be right now. To leave because of something so stupid. I guess this is only a temporary leave, maybe I might come back to writing: I don't know.

But I know I will never regret this. From the moment I published my very first chapter I realised it was going to be a journey worth continuing. An experience I will take away positively, becoming a completely different person. I have enjoyed every second writing on this app. And it has been a moment in my life that I will never forget.

It's been a secret. My biggest kept secret. Nobody outside my phone knows about this alternative life I have. Only you guys. My 1.15 K followers and readers and now new friends that will never leave my heart.

I did not even get close to expecting 100 reads when I first started, let alone over 100,000 reads. That's the population of Ontario! I have loved embarking on a journey so incredible and so unique like this with all of you all and I feel so lucky to have had such an amazing time getting to know you.

Being Australian it's like I'm in a different world to everyone else- the majority I guess- who live 12 hours behind, in a different season, speaking in a different accent. Wattpad has enabled me to become so much more attached to your country's than ever before just because I have so much appreciation for everyone.

I remember talking to my mum one day and saying: do you know that it's apparently really really stormy in England at the moment, like apparently everyone's drenched and houses are getting ruined...and she was so confused. She was like how do you know that?!?! And I just started laughing because I never actually realised how much respect and acknowledgement I actually had for everyone else in different country other than my own.

I have to also thank you for each and every comment made on my book. Over 5000 on 6 years on. I guess every single one encourages me even further to keep on going. Motivates me to the very end to just keep doing what I'm doing and it's great because I get to interact with you all at the same time and it's something I've always been excited about receiving.

I know that this fandom will always remain with me until my very last day on earth and I know that whatever happens after this, I won't let Wattpad go. The friends, the comments, every single chapter, the awards, the followers, the anniversaries...everything in between will be a memory I will force to stay with me forever. It's been an experience that is never going to be easy to throw away.

I've decided to keep this account online for as long as whatever the world's limit is. I don't want to take down my books because I'm so proud it's alive. Thank you for all the laughs and most of all the words you've read to make me the happiest girl walking away from this all. I love you all so much and will be forever grateful for this experience. I want you to know that I will still be here, talking to you guys if you want me to - maybe doing a small contest every now and then but my time writing on Wattpad is over. And I'm gutted to say that, but it wasn't me that made me have to make that decision.

The reason of me leaving is one that I will always become emotional towards. People are rude. And not as you think they are and I think Wattpad has made me realise that this is what the 21st century is now. All I have to say to those people is that what you're doing isn't nice. People don't deserve it. You talk like this to your phones, imagine saying it to their faces. You have not one single idea of what we go through so think before you type. This fandom needs help. It used to be so bright and positive but that energy has turned grey and I don't want to be part of something that makes me so unhappy. My love for TNS will always remain immense. But what I will always remember is what made me leave. Peace steppers. That's all you need.

Grace 💛

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