Love Detour

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Brittany POV
"Hello?" I ask as I pick up my phone
"Hi.....Britt...its Alex" Alex says sniffling and clearly breathing heavily at the end of the line
"Alex are you ok?" I ask
"No. not at all. I need you help and I understand our situation but I need to talk to you" she says desperately.
"It's ok trevor can mind the kids. Where's zac? Why isn't he there?" I ask
She just cried even harder into the phone
"Ok ok see you at my house in 10 ok?" I ask her and she sniffles but replies with an ok
"Trevor I desperately need to meet Alex she needs to talk to me about something which I don't know what yet. I'm really sorry but can you mind the kids? Ill be back as soon as I can" I say actually nearly crying myself
"Britt. Go. ill be fine. Alex needs you. see you in a bit" he says calmly. I kiss him passionately
"I love you so much" I say breaking away
"I love you more" he says looking into my eyes. I give him another quick kiss before rushing out of the hospital and using Trevor's car to get home. Alex is already there waiting at the door, clearly still crying
"Alex" I say pulling her into a hug standing at my doorstep
She just keeps crying and as I let her in we sit down on the couch and I make her a cup of tea to relax her a bit before she starts talking
"Ok babe. before you start I need you to take a deep breath and stop crying. I just need to hear what happened first ok surely it can't be anything to bad although clearly seeing what stage you're in, I'm a bit worried." I say giving Alex her tea and sitting down. she takes a sip before breathing deeply relaxing.

"I'm pregnant" she says anxiously before crying again, breaking down in front of me

Trevor POV
"Ok Riley should be good to stay here tonight Mr Tordjman, it might be tomorrow night as well but knowing the conditions and home environment you and your wide provide- we are not at all concerned by the lack of safely and protection you will give her if she goes home tomorrow. it was only a minor break as well, nothing too big which is fortunate especially considering such a small child like Riley could damage further body parts" the doctor says politely
"Thanks very much doctor we really appreciate it" I say before he nods his head and makes his way out of the room
Riley starts to wake up. stirring slightly and is a bit startled at first but then slowly starts to tense down. relaxing almost after realising she's safe
"Hey Riley" I say sweetly going over a rubbing my finger over her forehead
"Hi daddy. Where's mummy and when did you get here?" he asks. I giggle
"She's at home discussing so Whig with Alexandra, she'll be back in a little while. how are you feeling?" I ask her
"Good. much better. am I going home tomorrow. is James ok?" she asks
"Yeah you should go home tomorrow and James is fine. he's actually asleep now too. he was very scared and worried about you though. you are lucky I have him as a brother- to care so much about you. " I say smiling and kissing we forehead
"Yeah I love him just as I love you and mummy as Emma daddy" she says smiling looking over at me. I smile too and then she starts falling back to sleep.
She's gorgeous. I never want her to grow up.

I grab the permanent marker that is sitting on the table beside her, and move her arm above the sheets; taking the lid off the pen and signing her cast.
"Always love you Ri. Get better soon. Love Daddy xo" I smile again as I put the lid back on and taking a picture of her sleeping along with a selfie of james, emma and I with me trying to be asleep and another photo of my message on rileys cast. i make a collage from those photos and I decide to post it on instagram and twitter just like brittany.

"When sandpit fun days don't go to plan #brokenarm ##getbettersoonriley #icecreamfixeseverything @b_raymond"
I hit send then turn my phone off and place James in the bed next to riley. we asked for another bed for brittany obviously but right now James is asleep so I just place him in that bed for now.

My family is perfect and I don't want anything to change from it. I have everything from a beautiful and don't forget extremely hot wife, gorgeous children, an amazing career and a fantastic family home and life that I love so much.
I know other family's share that same bliss that I can capture every day but some families I question- some families I am so sympathetic for when things don't go the way they planned it out to be.

I feel for those families. And whatever love detour they decide to take in their relationship. I sit there in silence before I hear Rileys hospital room door open and a familiar face pokes through the door slip.


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