Interuppted Relaxation

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Victoria POV
We have finished filming for the day and although it took forever to film and we haven't even started the birthing scenes yet, we are getting there a this is great progress. Tomorrow we have the day off so we are all just going to chill at home. We say goodbye to the cast and then pick up Maddie at the play area and head home.
"How was set mommy?" Maddie asks as we are driving home
"Yeah it was good sweetheart. Got alot done. now what do you say- Pizza for dinner?" I say and Maddie squeals
"Yes yes!! Can we have Hawaiian?" She asks as it is her favourite
"Sure sweetie" I say as I get my phone out and order it
"Ok it should be at our place in 30 minutes. we nearly home?" I ask Isaac who's driving
"Yeah babe it's just around the corner" he says and I smile putting my hand in his thigh and rubbing it up and down
"Vic- baby you are really turning me on. Save it for tonight" he says and I smirk
"Alright but I'm already pregnant so whatever it however much you try, another one wont happen" I say smirking even harder
He's silent and he glares at me. it comes to our driveway and before getting out of the car, he kisses my lips and my stomach. I smile as I walk into the house alone, after Isaac refuses to let me carry Maddie even though I am only 2 months pregnant. Men. Typical.

Brittany POV
We arrive at home and I crash on the lounge swiping through my phone as the James run upstairs to play with riley and Emma is asleep on the counter in her carrier. Trevor joins me and I smile, snuggling next to him
"Enjoy today?" he asks me
"Yeah. It puts the pressure off from what's coming next" he says
"Don't even worry about it" he smirks kissing the top of my head
"Haha. I see what you did there" I say and he winks at me.
"What's the time?" I ask
"7" he replies
"You hungry? I ask him
"As much as a hungry lion"
"Up for Thai?"
"Yeah I guess. Ill give riles a drink of milk before she heads off to bed and give James water as he prefers it while you call the place?" he asks me
"Sure. Green Chicken Curry? the usual?"i ask him
"Thanks Britt" he says before running off to get the kids
I order the Thai which is coming in about 40 minutes and just chill on the couch for a bit, waiting for Trevor
He comes down about 10 minutes later
"All settled?" I ask him
"They're exhausted. Out like a light" he says sitting down next to me again
"Well I don't know what's up with ri. She was at home today with your parents and Lynda your mom said she wasn't feeling well all day the poor thing. James was so excited to see her though" I told Trev
"Yeah but him and Maddie really kicked it off on the play area I was told" he told me and I giggle
"Gees we said no extra girls and boys in our family until at least 14,15 right?" I say giggling still
"At least. They are growing up so fast. James is 3! That's incredible!" trevor says
"Yeah I know. So cute still though" I say before the doorbell rings
"Ill get it" I say standing up
"Hi" the man says as I open the door
"Hey thankyou so much" I say taking the food off him and giving him the money
"Thankyou. have a nice night" he says politely
"Right back at you" I say smiling
"Goodnight" he says and I close the door
"Trevor. Dinner!" I call and he comes to the kitchen
"Men or woman delivery?" he asks
"Man. really sweet actually" I say
"Around 16" I say
"Well you're too old I'm afraid missy" he says and I stare at him
"Are you serious! youre jealous!!' I tease him
"What!?" he says defensively
"It's all good. I understand. who wouldn't want this?" I say starting to eat my dinner until we are interrupted by a noise upstairs
"What was that?" I ask
Trevor and I simultaneously drop our cutlery and sprint upstairs to the kids room.

We check in James's and there was nothing and then we go to Riley's room and there she is sitting up on her bed, where there is vomit everywhere just looking guilty as ever.
"Oh baby" I say cupping my hands over my mouth as Trev and I are still standing at the door not knowing what in earth to do.
"Mommy. Am I in trouble?" She asks me
"No darling. Of course not. things like this happen all the time. I think we might just get you to the hospital though because Grandma did tell us that you didn't feel too good this morning hon. Come on get out of be and walk to the bathroom, Ill put on the shower for you." I instruct her

She gets in the shower which is still hard with her cast but she manages. she throws up twice again at home and then once again in the car but we finally get to the hospital. We left the others at home because they don't need to be here at 8:30 at night. We run to the emergency area and they get her a private room and we wait patiently for a doctor.

Now...all we can do is hope. And wait

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