Road Trip Drama

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Victoria POV
"Ok great break everyone. Let's continue now. Let's shoot the guys now. Trev, Lamar, Isaac, Zac- you ready?" frank yells at the guys
"Yeah they all respond
"And....Action" he yells

James POV
So today me and the boys are going on a Road trip around our area/Toronto. Apparently according to the guys I won't be spending "quality time" with them anymore once the baby comes which to be honest is a total lie but you know the guys.....


"so James bro where are we going?" eldon asks James as James hops in the drivers seat and eldon in the passenger while west and hunter are in the back.
"Oh you know. just around. let's say we'll take a road trip and just let the wind take us" James says
"Yeah ok. sounds good" eldon says as he cranks up the music to 30 on high and 'The Nights' by Avicci come
On and the boys go wild singing and dancing in the car.
The song ends and they go back to normal

West POV
Im really happy that James agreed to come on this trip with us. It'll be nice to spend some time with him before he becomes A dad. lets face it- we won't see him as much but we will still see him which is good.

"So James. How's Riley?" hunter asks him
"Yeah she's good. Not too stressed I guess. she misses dance so much and alcohol and hated the Morning sickness but apart from that her pregnancy has been really good so she's happy" he tells hunter
"Yeah she seemed pretty big yesterday. Are you nervous man for when it comes" eldon asks and James smirks
"Yeah of course I am but I know Riley is a lot more"
"Yeah sure bro. She is the mum" west says.
"Man where are we?" eldon asks James
"I think we are in the city. Actually no further out west or north or maybe south" James tells them
"So are we lost?" hunter asks him
"Ah no. don't think so"

James POV
We are so lost


"James you're phone is ringing" hunter says as he sees James phone is buzzing
"Eldon put it on speaker" James instructs him
"Yep. Oh it's Emily" he says
"Ok answer it" James says hastily
"Hi Emily" eldon says as he puts the phone on speaker
"Hi..ah...Eldon?" she asks him slightly confused
"Yeah. you're on speaker" he tells her
"Oh ok" emily retorts
"Whats up?" James asks her
"Ah. Let's try explain this a simple end easy way. Where are you right now?" she asks the guys who are in the car stuck in only god knows where.
"Ah. we sort of have no idea. we went on a road trip but we kind a sort a maybe got lost" eldon says slowly
"YOU WHAT!!?" Emily screams into the phone
"We're lost and have no idea where in the world we are and--" James starts
"James your wife is in labour!" Emily interrupts
Silence irrupts the conversation
"Sweet. Butter. Crumpets." James says softly
Emily lets out a loud sigh
"James you need to be here for her during this. I am not letting you not be there. I am going to stay here. Hunter babe- I have your phone tracked using that Find My iPhone App and I know where you guys are but you don't cause you wouldn't know where you are. I am going to get Michelle and Chloe to come and get you 4 and being you back here hopefully in time for the birth. I am staying her with riles as i am family and she needs me now just please stay where you are" Emily instructs
"Ok thanks Em" eldon says quietly before hanging up
"Jesus Christ" James says running his hands through his hair
"What am I going to do?" he asks the others
"She could be having the baby now and I could be missing it" James says
"Bro it'll be alright" west says from the back
"Yeah you'll make it. I know em. if he has a plan- she sticks to it and succeeds" hunter says and we chuckle at that comment
"Yeah you're right boys. this day will never be forgotten" he says and west laughs
"Yeah. it was all meant to be. You know man even though this day is it short and didnt go to plan at least we get to be here with you" he tells him
"Yeah. but guys we will all still be the bros. it's just a baby. you will be able to see me still don't worry I'll make sure of it" James tells them

Then "The Nights" come on again and the dance party starts or should it be continues.....

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