Hidden Identity

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Trevor POV
I decide to leave the pregnancy test in there just because I would rather her tell me then me finding out myself! I get the picture as I take it out of the bag handing it to Brittany as she shows her parents
"Oh my gosh! that's adorable" Lynn says.
"I know right! she just blew me away" Britt says
"I can't believe she's nearly 5 now!!" Lynn says just as shocked as I am
"Exactly" I say agreeing with her
"Yeah that's what trevor was thinking the morning as we were leaving. It felt like yesterday I had Riley and got married but yet it was 5 years ago!!" She says and I can hear the shakiness in her voice. I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head as she looks up and smile at me

Lynn and John just smile as well at the two of us.
"So how is number 3 going? is she still going alright?" John asks
"Yeah she's super easy. and that's definitely something to say at her 21st am I right?" I say laughing which also creates hysteric through the room
"Yes very true trevor although Britt was a plentiful character and her bits on her 21st movie were hilarious" Lynn said laughing even more
"Were not; when was the last time me doing the splits backwards funny?" Britt says sarcastically
"Since just then my dear" Lynn says still giggling.

then the doorbell rings

"Chloe's here!!" Riley was as she runs to the door and opens it for my sisters family
"Chloe!" she screams as she she asked her by the hand and into the playroom. Chloe is Riley's age and Max is 2 pretty much the same age as James so they get along as cousins quite well!

"Hey guys!" Sam says as she is still outside with max in her arms
"Hi Sam! come in come in"
"Britt! how are you? it feels like forever!!" she says giving Britt a hug
"I know. I miss you so does Riley with Chloe. I must go and say hello to her" Britt says giving her a kiss on the cheek as well as giving mike a hug
"And how is my little Max going! wow you're getting big!" Britt adds
"Yeah i know right! Trevor! how's it going?" she says excitedly as she gives me a hug
'Great Sam. how are you?"
"Wonderful!!" she answers before greeting her parents
"Mike." I say giving him a handshake before going back to the lounge room with the adults

"So how are you two?" Britt asks
"Better than ever" Sam says happily
"I am working backstage for Breakfast Toronto as part of the manager and backstage kind of thing. And mike is working as a cameraman for the same set which is good as it works out for both of us!" she says
"Wow that's so exciting. we are obviously still on The Next Step reunion with nearly finishing half of the movie. I have been on maternity leave though but trevor has Ben there which is fine." Britt adds
"Wow busy busy busy. and how is he new addition?" mike asks
"Adorable. she is like a flower petal just so precious pretty much our own angel technically. she is asleep as we speak!" Britt says

Brittany POV
"Mummy. when's lunch?" Riley comes in to me and Sam as we accompany mum with the lunch in the kitchen while the guys are in the lounge room chatting.
"Soon honey. I promise it's not far away" Sam says for me
"Yay! cause I'm starving" Riley squeals
"Well are you now? well save your appetite cause its Roast Lamb riles" I say
"Yum. my favourite" she says before heading off
"Now?" I ask Sam
"Yeah why not? should I be nervous?" she replies softly
"No- I've done it 3 times of course not. be excited hun!" I tell my sister as I go to my bag

10 minutes later we are both breathing with anxiousness
"1 line or 2?" I ask nervously
"2" she says softly
"Agghhhh" that's so amazing!!" I scream while giving her a hug and now crying!
"I'm so proud of you. wow this is so exciting we have to share it! come on hashtag it or something on instagram it do you want the fam before fan rule?" I ask
"Fam before fan" she says quietly
"Well then it has to be at dinner. come on we'll make the lamb fly across the room in shock!!" I say laughing
"Well I know mikes will!" she says laughing but crying too
"I think mums will be too- knowing her sense of humour" I add
"Well there is only one way to find out" Sam says dragging me back out to the kitchen

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