Caught red handed

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Victoria POV
So today we are at Jennie and Lamar's house and we are all sitting down having lunch.
"Wow this stuff Vegemite is really good. I love it." Riley says
"You do sweetie. So do I. It's actually American branded as it is Kraft but it was made in Australia that's why we have so much of it here." Jennie says
"Yeah mummy can we get some of this at the airport before we leave so I can have it at school?"
"Sure sweetie. we will make a stop at the shop at the airport for you." Britt says back to Riley.
"Thanks mummy." Riley says
Lamar and Jennie start laughing. we all glare at them wondering what is so funny.
"What's so funny?" Trevor asks in defence
"Nothing. It's just that Riley is so cute and funny." Lamar says
"Yeah I hope the one we have will be this cute in 7 mon........"
"What?" Brittany asks
"Nothing." Jennie says quickly
"No I swear you said something about 7 months." Brittany said
"Yeah I heard that too." Trevor said
Jennie cuts her off
"Ok ok we were going to make it a surprise at the reunion because I would show more but I guess you caught us red handed....." Lamar said
"We're expecting!!!!!" Jennie said
"Yeah I know. I heard how amazing!" Brit says
"When's it due?" I ask
"Well I am 2 months now so in about 7 months I will be due. I will be heavily pregnant during the movie so my characters life and scenes will either be filmed later, I won't be in the movie or my character will have to pregnant" Jennie says
"Oh well my character is so maybe it's a plot twist then we could pretend to be pregnant together." Brittany says
"Yeah that would be fun I can't wait for the reunion and to see the cast again." Jennie says
We all finish our lunch and the guys make their way down to the pool area where riley is swimming and where James and Maddie are just hanging and I see the boys get in as well. us girls just stay up on the deck and have a drink (not Jennie) of champagne and catch up on our life before its finally time to head back.

I had such a wonderful time today meeting up with old friends and hearing some wonderful news that I can't wait to see. we all say our sad goodbyes before making our way to hotel to get ready for dinner. We all decided we would just order our own separate family pizzas tonight since the kids were tired but promised we would go out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate our landing in Perth. I just can't wait........

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