^*Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers x Reader~Ghost Rider*^

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"Tony, there is no way you can get me to sign to the team." I state. We all sit in the living room of Stark's tower since the formal party is done and I have no where to be any time soon. It's not to late but you can see the sun setting, it's really pretty up here.

"But you would be a great asset!"

"Come on, Tony. Don't pester the girl. She's free to make her own decisions." Cap states

"Steve, as patriotic as ever." Bucky jokes.

"I'm not a great fighter like Nat, or have a very cool skill set like Clint, or a mind of Einstein, or can transform into one of the strongest men on earth, or have a metal arm, or is captain America, or can move things with my mind, etc, etc."

"You'd be around all the time!" Tony proves. Is it just me or is getting hot in here? Am I getting sick? I should leave. Probs. Okay, lets go.

"Well, it was fun. But I have to get home. Dance Mom's is on tonight, and I ain't one to miss that." I laugh getting up to leave.

"That show is pretty good but have you watch'd Arrow?" Clint questions

"Oliver and Felicity need to get married."

I walk over to the elevator and wave bye to my friends. "Going down." Jarvis instructs. "Are you feeling aright?"

"Yes, Jarvis. I am"

"Your core the pasture is above average human tempature. I'm calling for a Cab to take you to the hospital as well as notifying Tony-"

"Jarvis, do not. I'm going to go home."



The elevator doors open and it feels like a wave of heat hits my body. I start speedy walking to my apartment not to far from here. Tony's number pops up on my phone but I throw it away, ignoring it, I don't want to talk to him. I can't. I feel all this sudden anger inside of me, I want to get rid of the bad people. I finally get to an empty parking lot somewhere and my face is on fire. My face burns and burns, I can feel the skin starting to peel off my face, melting my eyes. I start laughing. This is funny right? This...this is.......FUNNY.

Second POV

You started pacing up and down the parking lot, on fire, laughing and crying. Then just a skeleton remained, your skeleton. But it isn't you controlling the demon, It's free and you are not. The demon starts walking but stops when he sees a nice motorcycle, not the old Ghost Rider one's, the one that moves faster. The demon turns the bike into what looks like the roller coaster to hell but it gets on it and rides breaking everything in it's path.............

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