40. Wizard World

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Selena's P.O.V

As we drove further out everything about this place seemed so much brighter and full of life.

The sky was a vibrant colour of blue and the whole atmosphere felt lighter and lively.

We drove out onto a road and honestly I have never seen anything more beautiful.

There was a huge bridge and it looked as if it were made of gold. The car drove over it and the water beneath it was a clear blue colour. Just looking at it made me feel much more refreshed.

"This bridge leads straight to the palace where we are meeting everyone"

Out in the distance I could see a breathtaking building stand out in all its glory. The palace was so beautiful as we got closer to it.

It was massive and it looked like it never ends. The palace must have been here for centuries by looking at its design. My whole mouth was opened just staring at its beauty.

"So I take that you like it" I turned to my side to see Adam with an amused look on his face. My face blushed because I realised I looked kinda creepy.

Breaking eye contact with Adam I realised that the car had stopped outside the palace.

Cole stepped out of the car as three people opened the door for us. I thought I could make it out of the car without hurting myself but I was wrong.

These burns, cuts and bruises made it so much harder for me to move. I clenched my teeth in pain. The man in the suit who had opened the door had noticed the pain I was in.

"Do you need any help?" I nodded my head at him as he put his arm around my shoulder and helped me out the car.

As I stepped out the car I felt someone pull me away from the man in the suit. I turned to see Adam glaring at the man in the suit.

I nudged him and gave him a glare he was scaring the poor guy.

"What the hell Adam you scared the poor guy for no reason"

"Oh I have my reason"

"Well then enlighten me"

Before he could speak a deep voice interupted us.

"Welcome home" I turned around to see a man dressed in very expensive clothes he looked every bit of a royal.

He had similar features to Adam and thats I how knew he was his dad.

"Hey dad" Adam awkwardly hugged his dad.

"Oh my baby is home" I looked behind Adams dad to see a beautiful lady, the way she held herself and the way she was dressed showed how elegant she was. She had the exact same color eyes as Adam and the same dimples.

Adam hugged his mother and she came just below his chin. I smiled at the scene before me.

Cole came and stood next to me before going and hugging Adams dad.

"Oh Cole it's good to see you too" Adams mum hugged Cole and I stood their awkwardly.

Once everyone finished their hugging they turned their attention to me.

"And who is this beautiful girl" I blushed at Adams mum's comment. I wasn't very pretty right now with my beaten up face and body.

"Er...um mum this is Selena"

"Hi" I waved my hand awkwardly at them.

"Selena, I've heard so much about you its so nice to finally meet you" She came forward to hug me and surprisingly she was gentle.

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