Chapter Twenty Three...

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*Carlo's POV*

"Your son is heading into surgery as we speak, his condition is critical, but we're going to do everything that we possibly can to make sure he makes it through this." The dark headed doctor told Benito, after the lady nurse directed us to him.

I could hardly keep my mind on what he was saying; all that I could think about was Alexis. She looked an absolute mess.

"What do you know of his situation, other than the fact that it's critical?" Mirco asked, leaning against the wall, as I paced back and forth.

"We know that he has excessive internal and external bleeding, a suspected four broken ribs, and he hit his head, hard..." His pager went off as he finished speaking. "Excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere. You can head back to the waiting room now; someone will inform you of any future news." With that, he strode in the same direction that Alexis was taken.

"I need to contact Dom; do you think the hospital has contacted Holly yet?" I asked, as I paced in the waiting room.

"Call Dom, I'm sure someone will have already called Holly." Mirco told me, before grabbing my shoulders, effectively stopping my movement. "Calm down bro, I know you're worried about them but you're scaring everyone."

I took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm good, I'll call Dom." I informed him, before walking towards the exit to get some fresh air.

*Domenico's POV*

"Alright, so there was definitely two people in the car when it crashed. And apparently Alexis was dragged out and into a dark SUV, some witness saw it all happen. They said it was either dark blue or black. Also, she was heavily bleeding and unconscious." Falco told me, after appearing beside me, once he finished speaking to the police officers.

"Fuck, did they tell you what direction the SUV went?" I asked, hoping he would know.

"Apparently the witness was too busy assessing Lorenzo's injuries." He told me, before he was cut off by my cell phone ringing in my suit pocket.

"Alexis just got brought in, she looks bad." Carlo's voice floated through the speaker.

"I'm on my way."

Hanging up, I ran back to the car, yelling for Falco to hurry up, "I swear I'll leave you behind if you aren't in the car in two seconds!" I yelled, as I opened the driver's door.

Starting the car, I pushed my foot on the accelerator as soon as Falco sat in the passenger's seat; he quickly closed the door as we lurched forwards.

"I wonder how she got to the hospital. She must have escaped." I murmured as I sped towards central hospital.

"Where is she?" I asked, as I burst into the hospital waiting room. Spotting Carlo, Mirco and Lorenzo's father, sitting in the corner.

"We've had no news on Alexis, nor Lorenzo." Mirco told me, standing up and giving me a bro hug.

"How'd she get here?" I asked Carlo, seems as how he was the one who called.

"She was brought in from an ambulance. I heard them talking, apparently she knocked on the night window at the Cameron street gas station. Then she lost consciousness." He told me, as I paced back and forwards.

"Excuse me; can I have an update on Alexis Bradley please?" I asked the receptionist, praying that she wouldn't be a bitch like she was to Carlo and Mirco earlier.

"And you are?" She asked, as she typed something into her computer, before looking up at me.

"I'm Domenico DeVitto, Her boyfriend." I told her.

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