That's What You Get

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*Ryland P.O.V*

"Well, congratulations, Royal. Looks like you're finally out of the doghouse." Despite the significant height difference between me and Kaylee, I'm still freaked out by her presence, especially when she's got that... look... in her eyes. She just so happens to pop up literally every corner I turn, and I'm pretty sure it's not just by coincidence anymore.

I allow myself a small smile, thinking about the day before with Brooke. It was probably the most fun I've had in forever.

"Yeah." I nod in acknowledgment. "She's cool." I casually brush it off, trying not to come across as whipped or anything, but the smirk that coats my face immediately gives it away. My smile breaks out into a huge grin when I see Brooke rounding the corner with a few books is tow. I manage to avoid Kaylee's judgmental eyes and speed walk to Brooke's aid, scooping her books into my arms. God, when did schoolbooks get so freaking heavy?

A soft pink blush paints itself onto Brooke's cheeks. I numb the slight discomfort in my arms and continue carrying her books like a man, wanting to be the perfect gentleman in Brooke's eyes.

"Hi." We both say at the same time, glancing away from each other for a second in embarrassment before locking eyes once again. Flashbacks of our previous night run repeatedly through my mind. I wonder is she's doing the same.

"Alright, lovebirds, you both win the staring contest. Now, can we talk about more pressing issues at hand?" Kaylee's suddenly annoying voice interrupts my precious moment with Brooke. I scoff at the idea of there being "more important stuff" to talk about when all I can think about is my situation with Brooke. "Like you going to watch Catching Fire without me! Brookie, how could you?"

I roll my eyes at Kaylee's outburst. "Well. we had fun without you, didn't we, Brooke?" I nudge Brooke's shoulder with my elbow, so she knows that I'm only joking.

"I did have fun." She replies, facing her best friend with a funny glint in her eyes. Kaylee obviously understands what Brooke means by that and calmly nods along. "Except the creepy dude I told you about with the movie poster." She fakes a shudder. "Not to be mean or anything." She hastily corrects with a shake of her head. "...but he was weird."

The girls burst out into laughter and continue to joke as if I've just disappeared. I happily just stand and watch them talk back and forth, attempting to understand their girl language and secret code names. Red? Green? Cat... friends? Who... or what the hell are they talking about? Do I even want to know?

*Brooke P.O.V* 

Louis links his arm through mine as we exit class and head to our lockers.

"How was the movie with Mr. Popularity?" Louis questions giving me a teasing smile.

How did he even know that? Did everyone just automatically know everything about now?

"Kaylee told me earlier." He adds on probably noticing my confusion.

Of course she did. I just roll my eyes with unnecessary drama and put away my history books. A hand swiftly covers my eyes. I hear Louis sigh in annoyance and a laugh that sounds like Kaylee's come from my other side.

"Hello Ryland." I say softly turning to face him.

He just smiles stupidly back and puts a light arm around my shoulders. Its not that I didn't like the physical contact, but it seemed like a little much for friends. I was about to say something when Kaylee's entire being seems to shudder. That can only mean one thing.

"Good afternoon." The smooth and jerk-ish tone on Sean Lewis' voice slides through the air.

Brittany is hanging onto his arms floating around. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows what reality means.

"What do you want?" I'm surprised to find those words had come from Ryland.

"No worries, Royal. I'm not going to steal your little gold-digging girlfriend here. I actually wanted to ask you all something." Brittany smiles at Sean's lash against me.

"Oh dare you say something like that!" Kaylee shouts and leaps at  him but Louis pulls her back.

"Because, why else would she date a guy like him. He's no good." Brittany chirps, her voice almost desperate.

"Well if anyone is 'no good' sure as hell it's you, Sean Lewis." Kaylee spits.

"I never denied it. Anyhow, onto things those of us higher than you annoying people actually care about. It's my baby girl's birthday this weekend. And she wanted to invite you. All of you. Much to my protest." 

Confusion sweeps over all our faces. Brittany despises every single one of us. Why on earth would she want us at her birthday party? 

"So that means you better be there!" Brittany squeals handing us each a glittery piece of paper.

Before she shuffles off after Sean in her wedges, she gives Ryland a tight hug. Brittany makes sure that she makes intense and evil eye contact with me before letting go of him.

"What the hell just happened?" Louis whispers.

And there's nothing the rest of us can do but agree.

*Ryland P.O.V*

I roll my pencil around my desk, trying to distract myself with something, anything, because it's so damn boring in class. I snatch Easton's pencil off his desk, which results in him throwing me an incredibly weak death glare. I roll my eyes at him and proceed to use my pencils to drum a quiet beat on my desk.

"So, Ry, baby." A high pitched voice whispers in my ear. I feel an arm brush against my shoulder in a "sexy" way, though I'm pretty sure I just got a few cooties from that one touch. I ignore the baby part, because I'm obviously not a baby, and turn my head to face Brittany.

When I turned, I didn't expect her face to be literally five inches away from mine. I flinch back when all I can see is her makeup caked face. Brittany bats her eyelashes and smiles in a completely fake way. I can't help but long for a certain brunette with a beautiful, genuine smile.

"Hi, Brittany."  Twitch. "What do you want?" I ask in the most polite, yet standoffish voice I have.

"Oh..."  Twitch. "I like your shirt." Her hands come up to grab a handful of my plain black t-shirt. I awkwardly swipe them away and lean back a bit to avoid her uncomfortable stare.

"Thanks, Brittany. You're sweet." I smile, hoping I don't look too constipated. Twitch. "Can you stop that?" The question blurts out from my mouth. I try to stop it, but it's really freaking annoying.

"What?" She flips her blonde hair over her hair in the most dramatic way. Twitch. Oh my god. Kill me now. 

"That." I point, not caring if the teacher sees. "Your eyes. You're... twitching." I'm pretty sure what I just said could be considered rude, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing everyone a huge favor.

Brittany seems taken aback by my confession, almost like she actually thought what she was doing was attractive. She seems upset but jumps right back in the game and turns to Easton to flirt it up some more. He, of course, feeds right into it and shamelessly flirts back.

Well, at least I know that Brooke doesn't twitch.

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