Sunday 25th September, 2016

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So this is love, hmmmm, so this is love. I sing for the stars dancing in couples up above.
Exchanging opinions and philosophies, creating invisible art, is what makes my loneliness and spirit part. I'll speak a sound and you'll address a tune, you'll be my sun and I'll be the moon.
I went to therapy, my therapist listened to me no ends. She was just like me when I'm with my friends. I won't go back ever, I'll try to keep it together. It'll be hard, maybe impossible at times, but that therapist ain't worth none of my nickels and dimes.
I'm sucking my thumb for the first time in a while. I sucked too hard and my nail came off like a tile. I kept sucking, though, tears pricking my eyes. I'm too busy hoping I'll someday be proud and wise.

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