Monday 18th July, 2016

28 5 2

Black. Headache. Nausea.
I woke up with the girl today. I don't feel ok at all. Oh god, every time I try to walk I fall. She's sound asleep and definitely beautiful, but I can't appreciate it. I'm bumping into everything there is to bump into. Oh god oh god oh god where on earth is the loo?
I made it there and heaved. She's still asleep I believe. Which surprises me for I'm making the most disgusting sounds. I flush, wash my hands and wipe my hands on one of her many gowns.
I tip toe my way out because I don't want to interact with her with my terrible breath. I would much much rather my own death.
So I see the big clock and it's 5am. There's a herd of people jogging so I try to jog with them. The sun's already rising, which was honestly quite surprising. My stomach feels queasy again and I have to slow down.

I believe I touched her drunk.
Oh I'm such a piece of junk!
I wish I could remember everything
Every part she was enticing.
I am so so disappointed
And to her I feel disjointed.
And yet I'm still excited
for all the mistakes we're yet to make.

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