Sunday 7th August, 2016

10 0 1

Colourful thoughts and monotone reality. I'm really to blame for having this quirky personality.
The sky is misty and the atmosphere is dull. The drunk bloke downtown is pushing a door that says "pull". He stumbles in the bar and orders two drinks. He offers me his second and gives me a billion winks. I thank him awkwardly and silently I sip. The bloke orders crackers and salsa and he's away; dip, sip, drip. He doesn't try to converse any further and I appreciate that. He just purrs between drinks and he transformed into a cat. I thank him again, then go up on stage without a nervous sweat, then tell the band that we're going to play a song that we've never performed yet. The pianist cracks his knuckles and the bassist lets out a yawn. The saxist meets my eyes and says "we might as well play till dawn".

The waves are silent and salty
My ice cream is dripping and sweet.
We skip skip skip like that's all we know
We don't care about dirty and neat.
I like you a lot and I like this place
So out of date and fine.
You remind me of my younger days
When I thought the world could be mine.

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