Tuesday 19th July, 2016

23 4 1

Today I'm feeling strong. I feel like nothing's going to go wrong. I have a condom and a couple of aspirins in my purse, tonight I ain't needing no nurse. I'm going to go up to a man, any man, and have him for the night. I must must get rid of this internal fight. My Christian friend kept telling me today that homosexuality is wrong. I'm too weak and emotionally unstable to believe her. I hate myself for that because if it weren't me, if it was anyone else that had had slept with a person of the same gender as them, I would have said that nothing was wrong, to follow their heart. But not me apparently. I, the terrible, irrelevant abomination, don't deserve her sweet voice or her heavenly name. I don't deserve the soft smell of exotic perfume or the thrilling touch she gave me.

Why would God forbid us to
not follow our hearts for what we do?
I feel so dirty and useless now.
I see the demons taking a bow.
I'll never feel free in this dystopia
my anxiety is forming itself into dysphonia.

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