Friday 2nd September, 2016

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I'm sick of feeling feeble, I'm sick of feeling sad. I'm sick of missing everything that I never had. I'm sitting on a little bridge over a small stream. I wish, I wish, oh how I wish my life was all but a dream.

I hear the ice cream truck coming my way. What a peculiar time to sell ice cream, I say. The van man smiles toothily at me and hands over a cone. Instinctually, I am frightened to the bone.
I turn and run. Van picks up speed. I can't run faster, I can hardly breathe. The van man is laughing maniacally whilst the road is tracing our chase dramatically. I'm crying so much that I start laughing too. I guess that's what you do when that's all you can do.
I stop abruptly and so does the van. I turn around slowly to see the ice cream man. In his hand is an ice cream. I look up one last time to see the moonbeam.

The ice cream man kills me, again and again. This is why no lady can trust any men.

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