Tuesday 9th August, 2016

7 0 0

I grab my broom and fly off into the night sky. I cackle and turn invisible just to startle passer-bys. I swallow all the clouds and the stars are revealed. I hi-five all of them and remind them of our deal. They make it rain playfully and I act annoyed whilst in reality I am overjoyed.
I land on the moon and it rolls it's eyes lovingly. I dance and prance and twirl and laugh and I'm all that they see. An old ghoul approaches me and asks me for a piece. I laugh again and lead him, holding onto his fleece. The moon plays some notes nervously and we all jive along. It's a funny sight really because there is no song.

I'm happy happy happy,
as happy as can be.
The freaks out here genuinely
enjoy my company.

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