Please be respectful. Tuesday 16th August, 2016

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I feel shaky at 1:05. How on earth am I still alive? An Asian French girl in a crazy Tokyo swirl. I have left not a single penny. How do I get back to my home in Germany? It's okay, though, I quite like it here. It's mighty hot but I'll cool down with a beer. Except I have no money left, oh God. Can I sing in bars here? Is that rather odd?
See, here's my opinion on freedom and cultural appreciation and respect; don't do what you did back home in other countries if the people in that country feel uncomfortable with it. They have their special lifestyles and thoughts and beliefs. By doing things "your way" and by saying "well, I do this all the time in my country. You people are too strict and boring." you'll just be disrespecting their styles. If you can't understand that, please do not go abroad. Don't travel. Please don't hurt people who look, act, speak and think differently from you.
I'm saying this because today, in the Japanese subway, there was a group of stupid people, who were obviously not Japanese, who started playing loud music and twerking disgustingly to it. Then they talked loudly in English, in a strong American accent, about how quiet the train was and how everyone else looked boring. It embarrassed me and broke my heart because everyone looked quite upset, but were too nice to say anything to them. Don't do that, please. I hope they all went back to wherever they came from now.

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