Chapter 32

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Park Sejeong POV

               I can't sleep because I thought many things. I just know that I don't have courage to tell people how I felt. I'm just too weak. I saw Yuri walked towards me. I didn't see her boyfriend. It weird when she walked by herself.

" Hey Sejeong " Yuri greeted me. I nodded like always.

               We walked to class quietly. None of us say anything. I also don't have anything to say. We arrived at class. I stopped for a while before stepped in class. Is it Yuri ignored me ? She looked like she are.

               I went to my seat not far from her. I looked outside through the window. This really not what I want. I felt empty without them. No, I felt empty, guilty and disappointed when I didn't settle up this yet.

               Teacher came in to start the learning session. I don't think I focused on my what he taught. I don't know where my mind are right now. I putted my head on table and closed my eyes tightly. Fall deeply into my own thought.

                I have been in many things in my life until I tried to give up on it. From what happened, I learned many things liked don't give up until I win, don't let go of people you love and the most important you need to understand yourself before understand someone else.

                The bell rang, it means now lunch time. I putted my things into my bag. I was about to call Yuri when I turned around but she no where to be found. Is it she left early to distance herself ? I sighed and walked to cafeteria by myself.

                 I thought Yuri at cafeteria but my hoped to high, she still can't be found. I turned on my phone and tried to call her but she didn't pick up it. I decided to give up on what I did. I sat at the corner. I'm just myself. Serve you, Sejeong. This what you want right ?

" I saw Baekhyun oppa at rooftop early. He really looked mess. I guess he going to jump off " one of the student whispered.

                 My eyes widened. I ran from cafeteria and saw many students ran at hallway. What happened ? Oh no. I remember they said about Baekhyun. I took a deep breath before ran to rooftop. I opened the door harshly. I really hope I can find him here. He fine right ?

                I looked around the rooftop and shouted his named. Suddenly I heard, ambulance sound. I looked down to check on it. That not him right ? My tears already dropped down to my cheeks.

                 I fell on knees. I clenched my fist and hit my chest. I never know this will happen. I can't believe this happened. This moment I found, how much I love him until I can't let go of him but now everything late. I'm disappointed with myself.

                I kept hit my chest and cried like a baby loss her mom until someone grabbed both of my wrist that stopped me from continue hit myself. I looked up and didn't believe what I just saw.

" I'm sorry for made you cried again "

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