Chapter 18

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Park Sejong POV

I looked my cheek through the mirror. It still red and can be notices. It really painful but what mom said more painful than got a slapped. I sighed and took my bag.

I went downstairs and found my parents ate breakfast. I didn't join them and just walked straight to the car. I saw sandwiches that already packed. I looked at Kang Jun confusedly.

" Well, I accidentally heard your conversation yesterday. So I packed that because I know you won't eat after you had fight " he explained.

I nodded and kept it into my bag. I will eat that later. Although Kang Jun just my driver, he always took care of me like I'm his sister. I'm happy when I know there have people cared about me.

He sent me in front my school. I took a deep breath before got off. I heard other students started whispered about me. I guess it must be about my cheek. I sighed and ignored them.

I went to my locker and heard gasped behind me that made me turned around. I saw Yuri, Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked towards me. Damn, they must have heard what students said.

" Are you okay ? " Yuri asked me while held of my wrist.

" I guess " I replied without made eyes contact with her.
" Why your cheek red ? You fought with your parents again ? " she asked me worriedly. I pulled my hand from her harshly.

" It nothing " I replied coldly.

I left them. I felt guilty for treat Yuri liked that. I walked to rooftop. This place liked my secret place where I can cry freely without anyone stop me. A part of my heart relief when I know that Mom didn't slapped me because of Baekhyun.

I wonder what will happen when found out about that. She must be burn everything. I felt something around me and it blazer. I know it none than other. Only him cared about me too much.

" Cry as much you want. I just want you to cry in front me. Don't let anyone see you cry " he said a bit coldly.

" Who said I'm going to cry ? " I chuckled a bit when I know he started to act cold but care about me.

" Well you look like you are, so I come here " her stuttered.

" Gosh, you really care about me, huh ? " I laughed looked at him.

" It not " he lied.

" You really cute " I mumbled. I frozed once I noticed what I had said. I turned to Baekhyun and he priceless.

" Let's get out after school " I broke the awkward silence between us.

" Okay " he replied without think twice. I secretly smiled. I know my tongue won't slipped thing like except I really mean it.

I went back to my class. Yuri looked at me worriedly. I just nodded. Luckily teacher just came in. If not I totally dead. I can't wait to until school finished. I know this the most worst step I have took.

I just need someone be with me. Since Baekhyun know about me, I didn't bother not to keep anything around him. I'm comfortable around him anyway. I just hoped no one find out about that.

After school, I saw Baekhyun waiting for me in front my class. I saw Yuri giggled with it. She never stop teased me with Baekhyun. Well I invited Yuri and Chanyeol along. I don't want to look like we on date.

We went to mall and Chanyeol drove us. Luckily we saved. He drove really liked a mad woman. It really scary. I looked at my hand and saw Baekhyun hold it tightly. I didn't bother to pull it anyway.

" I won't let go of this hand until my last breath "

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