Later That Night - 0:30AM

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Stevie brushed her hair one last time. It wasn’t often that she went to bed early like this, but it had been a long day. She sighed when a knock came at the door. “Come in!” She called. She smiled when she saw Karen come into the room. “Hey Kaz.” She greeted her assistant. Karen smiled weakly, shutting the door behind her. Stevie frowned. “What’s wrong?” She asked, turning around to look at Karen properly. Karen nervously sat down at the end of the bed. “I have something to tell you, Stevie. But I don’t know how you’ll react.” “I’ll try to stay as calm as possible.” Stevie assured her. Karen nodded, knowing that Stevie was only saying that to make her confess. She took a deep breath and spat out her confession, fast. “Kristen asked me to spy on you and Lindsey while she’s away.” Stevie stared at Karen, not sure what to say. “She sat me down this morning when everyone else was still asleep. I was getting ready to go to my meeting and she was having breakfast. She asked me to - and I quote - ‘stick to you like glue’. She’s even had security cameras installed!” That pushed Stevie over the edge. “What is wrong with that fucking woman?! Thank God the kids are all staying at friend’s house tonight because I just want to scream!” And with that, Stevie let out an infuriated, ear-piercing scream. Seconds later, Lindsey burst into the room. “What’s wrong?!” He yelled, thinking something was wrong. “Your psycho wife, that’s who’s wrong!” Karen exclaimed, trying to calm down a hysterical Stevie. “What? What’s Kit done?” Lindsey asked. “She asked Karen to spy on us! She installed security cameras! She doesn’t fucking trust us, Lindsey!” Stevie yelled. Lindsey stared at them. “How do you know that?” He asked quietly. “She told me so! She cornered me this morning, and asked me to ‘stick to you like glue’.” Lindsey sat down on the bed, his head in his hands. “God, I’ve really fucked her up. She’s obsessed with making sure I don’t leave her.” “You don’t say! She’s insane!” Stevie yelled, sitting back down at the vanity. Karen sat at her feet, rubbing her knee comfortingly. “You weren’t with us all that time spying were you, Kaz?” Stevie asked quietly, recalling the 5 hours Karen had spent with them that day, listening to their stories. Karen shook her head. “I honestly tried to stay away from the studio today because I do no one’s bidding but yours, Stevie. I just popped by to say hi but then you called me in.” Stevie nodded. “Okay, I trust you. I don’t know why I even doubted you. It’s you.” They sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to regain their sanity. Karen looked from Stevie, who sat staring over her head into space, to Lindsey, who still had his head in his hands. Karen nodded to herself and stood up. “I’m going to go for a drive. I need to clear my head. I might even check into a motel.” “Karen, you don’t have to…” Lindsey began to say, looking up at last. Karen held up her hand to stop him. “I think I do. You two have stuff to talk about and  – Don’t look at me like that, Stevie. You know you do. – I think I should let you do it in peace. The kids aren’t here, so I’ll make myself scarce.” Karen patted Stevie’s shoulder and smiled at Lindsey sympathetically as she made her way out of the room. Closing the door behind her, she knew she’d made the right decision to tell them. As she drove away from the house, she hoped that when she returned every thing would have fallen into place.


Lindsey crossed the room and took Karen’s place, kneeling in front of Stevie. He rested his hands on her knees, both to gain some balance and in a bid to comfort her. “Stevie, I think this is it.” He said quietly. Stevie shook her head, trying desperately, yet again, not to cry. “No, Lindsey. You can’t leave. Think of the children, your three precious little children. I couldn’t bear it if you left them for me.” Lindsey smiled. “But I wouldn’t be leaving them for you. They’d come and see us, every weekend or whenever suits them.” “But Lindsey, it’s not the same! We both grew up in loving homes where both parents were present and always together. I want that for your children.” “Does my happiness not matter to you?” Lindsey yelled, standing up and looking down darkly at Stevie. Stevie was rendered speechless for once. It wasn’t often that Lindsey was able to scare her, and even when he did scare her, she was usually able to stand up for herself. But there was so much raw emotion coming from Lindsey, that Stevie had no idea what to say. “What about what I want?” Lindsey asked her. “I don’t want to stay with Kristen just because of our children! And I’m sure the kids would want me to be happy too!” When she still didn’t answer him, he cried out in frustration and began to walk out. “No! Lindsey wait!” Stevie, in a moment of madness, ran after him. She blocked his exit, leaning up against the door. “Don’t leave me.” She whispered. “I never left you, Steph. You’re the one who leaves, time and time again, and I don’t think I can take it anymore.” He reached past her for the door handle. She grabbed his wrist. “Please. We need to talk.” She whispered. “I’m tired of talking.” Lindsey replied. “Why can’t just do it, take the plunge and be together again?” Stevie watched silently as Lindsey closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. The familiar sensation of his lips on hers was enough to make Stevie forget all of their troubles and she melted into him. He encased her little frame, wrapping his strong arms around her, kissing her like it was their last time together. But he hoped it wasn’t.

The Next Morning

Lindsey lay with his head on Stevie’s chest, smiling as she ran her fingers through his grey curls. He closed his eyes, feeling her chest move as she breathed and hearing the sound of her heartbeat. “What are you thinking about?” Stevie asked. Lindsey opened his eyes and looked up at her. “I’m just thinking how I’m blissfully happy.” Stevie smiled. “I’m glad.” She replied. “Are you happy?” Lindsey asked, shifting his position so he was lying next to her. Stevie thought his question through. Was she happy? She had finally broken Lindsey’s marriage up. Oh course it wasn’t something that was new to her. She’d been the final straw for Jenny Boyd and had ended Mick’s marriage because of the affair she had with him. But this was different because this was Lindsey. He was her true love, no matter how many times she had told herself over the years that he wasn’t. But he was, simple as that. And he his children would be okay; Stevie had, despite never having them herself, always loved children. And she felt she would be a great unofficial stepmom. Finally, Stevie smiled to herself. Lindsey chuckled. “What are you smiling at?” He asked. She kissed him and grinned. “I’m smiling because I’m happy. I’m allowing myself to be happy. Jus like I’m allowing myself to love you and be with you. Screw Kristen! I’ll be a great unofficial stepmom to your kids!” Lindsey grinned and pressed his lips to hers. “This is a new start for us, Steph. We’re gonna be together like we always should have been.” “You, me and the three little Bucks.” Stevie said. “That’s right baby. Us and our babies.”

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