Chapter 6

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Mrs. Seto said at once, "I know he's always excited when all of you are here. He reminded me almost a thousand times of your arrival."

Kai gave her stern look for disclosing his secret. Sara nudged at him from the side.

Tom and Charles were busy with watching the tv.

Mrs. Seto asked them to stay a bit longer. "You can have breakfast with us and here's some sweets for your family memembers."

"Thank you so much." All of them replied.

Then, Kai and his friends went to the terrace just above his room.

They were seated on the chairs, and again went on about their project.

Cynthia asked," Kai, do you know someone who can help us?"

Kai replied," Apparently, no but one of my dad's friend is an archaeologist. He might be able to provide us information about some famous places to start with. I think Egypt will be a great place. What do you guys think? But wait till we get the required information. Let's see what he says."

Tom added, "Well, in my opinion, Egypt is a wonderful place. It is the type of place if you're on the lookout for some mysteries. I don't know about you guys, but I want to go to Egypt."

"Yeah, count me in." Genus smirked."I love mummies and I hope I will meet some of them chasing me out of some bizarre pyramid."

Tea scowled at him, "Always looking for trouble, eh?"

Sara added, "In that case we should go to Egypt if no one has any objection."

"Okay." Kai finally spoke."I'll be getting the maps and a book on Egyptian mythology. You guys search for any useful things that can aid us, alright?"

That day, they spent all their time gathering information on Egyptian history. They scheduled to meet in the evening. They arrived at Kai's personal dino-park, his father had gifted on his birthday the previous year. There was a gigantic simming pool at the centre, surrounded by numerous chairs. They settled down at one side that had a huge umbrella roof.

Everyone was excited about the project.

Kai gestured them to listen to him. "Well, all the arrangements for the trip has been made and I bought the articles needed for the trip. It's going to be a long flight from Seattle. So, you guys ask your parent's permission. Have you managed to get more information?"

Charles said,"My uncle has given me a descriptive book on Egyptian history. It has got many mysteries of the place and also meanings of different symbols which may help us a lot."

"That's super cool. Awesome, dude!" Tom smirked and added, "I've collected hoards of things from the internet. I attended some of the cool talks on Ted. I listened to some of the world's famous archaeologists. That ought to give us an edge."He made a teasing face at Maria.

"Well done Tom", was all Maria replied.

Then Cynthia spoke up," I was busy at the state library. Browsed through some ancient collections of Egyptian myth in the restricted section."

Everyone gaped at her.

"How on earth did you do that?", Sara was bewildered.

"You could have been caught." Kai was concerned."That was a risky move."

"Yeah I'm sorry guys but I wanted to be useful." Cynthia looked sober.

"Hey, cheer up buddy." Sara gave her a hug."You are always and will always be an important member of 'The Freaks' and never forget that."

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