Chapter 9 Unravelling the truth!

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As they neared, they got a better view of the structure. It was carved out of rare dark stone.

"Stone... in this desert?? That's impossible!" Sara stated.

"You gotta believe what you're seeing, buddy." Charles said as he dusted some of the sand from it. They took out their digging toolkits and set upon the process of unearthing the structure.

After hours of hard labor, they took a break for lunch which they had taken along. After that, they carried on with their work. They were sweating excessively.

Kai noticed Sara panting heavily. He nudged her gently and said, "Hey, you must be tired. Take rest for a while."

Sara politely refused, "No way! I don't want to sit back and watch you guys suffer. Thanks, but I'll be happier this way."

Kai smiled at her and carried on with his work. Some time had elapsed when they uncovered a symbol. It was almost the similar type of engravings as on the floor of the temple. But this one had a palm(like a person's palm) at its centre.

Kai unthinkingly placed his right palm on that spot, but nothing happened. They thought of things to relate this with, but nothing relevant.

Then Tea spoke up, "I have an idea. Remember what the voice said about opening up your hearts. Let's try it out. Put our trust in this thing."

" harm in trying." Tom said.

Kai decided to try it out first. He carefully placed his palm and closed his eyes recollecting everything that had happened in his life...both good and bad. In a fraction of a second he felt like he was engulfed in a torrent of winds. He felt like he was being hurled into a tornado as everything was twisting and spinning around him. His vision blurred.

Others were filled with awe at what they saw. Kai's body was illuminated by a bright light and he was slowly disappearing with the fading light till he completely vanished from the spot.

The rest of them followed his footsteps and went through the same eerie experience. All of them found themselves in a strange room that seemed like a horror movie backdrop.

"This place gives me the creeps." Cynthia said looking around apprehensively.

Their attention fell at the centre of the room that was glowing immensely.

When they went closer they perceived that it resembled a boulder that was round in shape, surmounted with several symbols.

"According to this book..." Tea said ".....these symbols resemble their deities that they used to worship. Obviously this must mean something."

"Friends, this is really awesome. We've got the lucky jackpot." Tom half-joked.

"I wouldn't be too sure." Charles looked serious.

"Hey look, there's a triangle in the middle of all those symbols." Sara gestured them to look at the centre of the boulder.

"Another puzzle to solve." Kai muttered.

"This is getting better and better." Tom remarked, earning a glare from Maria.

When Genus took his turn in inspecting the symbol, a sudden movement startled them all. It was like a small earthquake.

"What happened?" Maria retorted.

Kai asked Genus what he had done because he believed that it had something to do with him.

Genus replied, "I did not do anything. I was just thinking of the article that I had gone through somewhere. 'The light in three directions to the pyramid' called 'Schueftfenera' in ancient Egyptian mythology..."

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