Chapter 10 Its Training time ^^

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"Remember what the holy priest told us. " 

Sara looked up. "Yeah...never to lose faith. I think we should open up our hearts to this boulder and try once more, together." 

Everyone nodded. 

Kai looked at his friends. "I have faith in you, guys. We can do this." 

"Yeah." The rest replied. 

Kai shouted on top of his voice. "Then let's do this together. On my count! One...two...and THREE!!! Push!"  

As they exerted all their energies to the boulder, they felt a certain tingly sensation that seemed to emanate from their bodies. It flowed through out their body and seemed to flow towards the blouder.

The blouder seemed reluctant at first but then it slowly moved forward making a shrill sound due to the friction with the ground. 

They uncovered the well and they were much amazed when they looked over it.

"Woah, this well seems to have no end at all." Tom remarked.

Charles dropped a pebble inside the well. "The pebble disappeared into the depths without making any sound of hitting the bottom. "Are you sure about this?" He asked Kai.

He nodded in reply.

Everyone were straining their ears to hear the sound of the pebble but with no such luck.

"Hey, we can do this guys." Sara cheered them up. The other girls looked a bit flustered but they were at the same time, not ready to give up.

"Okay guys, let me tell you what I think of this." Everyone turned towards Kai. He sure had a good reason to speak up; well, he always have a good reason to speak!

"You remember the priest telling us about a passage to different worlds. So, the passage must be inside of this well. I'm relating all of this to a dimensional passage."

All of them nodded. They had attended a seminar last year representing their school and they were glad indeed, because they got a chance to interact with the lengendary physicist, Stephen Hawking. 

Kai continued remembering what they had learned so far. 

"According to Stephen Hawking there are three arrows of time...the thermodynamic, the psychological and the cosmological arrows of time. Again, there was this physicist Friedmann. He proposed a model of the Universe where he took three dimensions of space and a fourth dimension for time and this dimension was mould around the other dimensions. Remember his argument that universe is not infinite and that space do not have a boundary. So, if we go could go right round the universe, we would end up right where we started. But that is practically impossible because we need to travel way faster than the speed of light." 

"Unless..." Sara interrupted. Suddenly they realised what he was trying to get at.  

"...there is a worm-hole." 

The shortcut across dimensions in space travel was termed as a worm-hole by scientists, but of course it was never discovered. 

"But that's impossible." Charles contradicted. "Even Einstein didn't predict that." 

Surprisingly, Tom spoke up. 

"You know, there is always a first time to discover things. I'm sure our world will discover it at the right time... All we need is faith and trust on our instincts. It's because of our determination and willingness that we've discovered this hidden secret of the Egyptians. Who knows how many mysteries may be there, right?" 

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