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grayson showed up to the shed half an hour early, he wanted to get there first before crimson, he didn't want her waiting in the dark alone though he estimated his time poorly and ended up there a lot earlier than he planned. he was surprised when all his roommates went to bed at nine o'clock, dan had told him that was the curfew and they had to get up at six. 

grayson waited another five minutes untill crimson showed up, "hi grayson!!" she said and ran up to him. she gave him a big hug and he wrapped his arms around her torso. when they broke apart, she put her lips on his. 

"i missed you today." she told him, pecking his nose. 

"you saw me though." grayson said laughing, he was really happy to see her. 

"i know but we didn't get to hang out or anything." she said as they sat down. 

"yeah." grayson nodded. 

"so why did you want to meet up?" she asked.

"i just wanted to have some time with you." he told her and she smiled and was thankful the sky's dark colour hid her blushing face, "and i also wanted to talk to you about how we're gonna get out of here." 

"do you really think we'll be able to escape?" 

"yeah, look nathan told me that apparently sam has a plane somewhere on the island and every few years he'll go to like the states or somewhere to 'check on the other world'." grayson said.

"are you sure this is true though? why would he want to check up on us?" crimson questioned. 

"that's what i thought and i asked him, he just said that sam wants to make sure that 'the outsiders' aren't close to finding out about this place. the last thing sam wants is too have them come here." grayson explained. 

"yeah, well we don't even know if there is a plane, it could just be a rumour and if even if there is a plane, this island is so big it could be anywhere." crimson reasoned. 

"why are you sounding like you want to stay here?" grayson accused. 

"of course i don't want to be here! i'm just saying we shouldn't waste our time!" 

"and were not wasting our time planting crops and cooking in the kitchen? if we don't try and get off the island now we're going to be stuck here forever." grayson said. 

"i know. okay well we have to find out more information about this plane before we actually do anything. i'm not risking the wrath of sam over 'this is what nathan said'." crimson told him.

"okay love." grayson laughed and wrapped his arms around crimson, pulling her closer to him and he kissed her forehead. 

"i just want what's best for us baby, i want to be able to take you on a real date for pizza and not whatever earthy shit they give us. man i miss pizza so much." grayson said.

crimson laughed, "i miss pizza too."

after that, the went back to their rooms. they knew how early they had to get up and it would look weird if they were too tired. crimson couldn't help the smile on her face as she walked back to her room, she was falling in love with him and there was nothing she could to do stop it, not that she wanted too. 


next morning was hell for grayson as he had too getting up at six. his roommates had zero problems jumping out of bed and getting ready for the day which amazed him. 

"come on newbie. we gotta head to breakfast." dan said to grayson. the mention of food got grayson out of bed,unfortunately for him he forgot he was on the top of the bunk and as he went to roll out of bed he fell flat on his face. 

his friends laughed so hard they were on the floor. grayson got up and death glared them, "wow guys, thanks." 

"hey we don't have your fancy tvs and games, this is our only source of entertainment." tyler said.

"and sex." nathan said. 

"not that you could get any!!" dan laughed and so did tyler and nathan just flipped them off. 

grayson was surprised at how normal they acted when they were by themselves. they acted just like he did with his friends. 

"i didn't know you guys knew what sex was." grayson said. 

"yeah dude, we only act like that in front of the adults cause we don't feel like getting ass beaten but when know ones watching we don't give a fuck." tyler explained.

"speaking of getting our ass beaten, we should head to breakfast." nathan said and they all agreed and left. 

grayson searched the room for crimson and saw her sitting alone with her food. he wished he could go over and sit with her but the rooms were separated according to gender. 

once they sat down, grayson asked, "nathan, so tell me more about the plane?" 

"what the fu-heck nathan? you told him about that?" dan asked. 

"thanks alot grayson." nathan said. 

"guys what's the big deal? i won't tell anyone." grayson said, even though it was already a lie, he had told crimson. 

"sure and you didn't tell your little fuck buddy?" tyler accused gesturing towards crimson. 

"hey! don't speak about her like that!" grayson said in her defence. 

"calm down man, we just can't have everyone finding out cause were planning too find the plane and get the hell off of here." dan whispered. 

"count me in." grayson said. 

"i don't think s-" tyler was cut off by nathan; 

"maybe we should let him, he could help us when we get to the other world. he's been there before and will know what to do." nathan suggested. 

"he's right tyler." dan said.

tyler pondered for a few seconds, "fine. are you gonna bring your girlfriend along too?" 

"of course." grayson answered without thinking. 

"alright, but no one else. just you two, okay?" tyler said. 

"yep just us two. don't worry, there's no one else." grayson said and as the words came out of his mouth, his mind went to taylor and justin and a wave of guilt washed through him but he pushed it away. 


grayson and crimson met at the same time and same spot as last night. he told her about his conversation with his friends earlier and how they were planning to escape. 

"what about taylor and justin?" crimson asked. 

"we can't worry about them, we have no idea where they are, for all we know they could've been recused already!" grayson said. 

"what if they're looking for us?" 

"crissy, we've know them for what a week? i doubt they care enough to risk their own lives searching for us." 

"i'd search for you." crimson said. 

"and i'd search for you too baby but it's different for us." grayson said. 

"i guess you're right." crimson said and snuggled up to grayson's side and he wrapped his arms around her. 

"you know i care about you right?" grayson said as he played with her hair. 

"i know, i care about you too, a lot." crimson told him as she looked up at him and kissed his lips. he smiled into the kiss and they stayed like that for a while, kissing each other and telling each other sweet nothings until they decided it was time to go back to bed. 

island love // grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now