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her legs dangled in the air as she fell out of the plane; her screams are swallowed by the sounds of the plane crashing and falling into the open ocean.

out of the corner of her eye she sees the front half of the plane coming right for her; her quick thinking skills come in handy as she flys herself in the other direction, missing the plane by a second.

she dove into the water and from underwater she could already see all the damage above, she almost wished she would never come back up but she did.

she took in deep breaths as she came back up from underwater, she looked around and cringed away from the many dead floating bodies she saw.

she pushed away those thoughts as she knew she had to figure out how to get something to float on.

she turned her head and saw a dead body floating on a piece of plane she could defiantly use for herself.

she swam to it and saw the dead body was an attractive boy about her age, she felt bad for a second about having to push him into the water but again she pushed those thoughts away and focused on one thing; survival.

she started to push the body off when another boy came towards her, "what the hell do you think you're doing? that's my brother!"

she looked up and saw a boy who looked a lot like the dead boy she was pushing off, "look i'm sorry but he's dead and i need this to float on so i don't drown." she told him trying her best to sound sympathetic.

"dead? he's not dead! he's just unconscious." he said getting a hold of his brother's arm, looking for a pulse.

"he can't be dead, he's not dead." he mumbled him to self, she felt her heart sunk knowing how hard this must be for him.

"i'm sorry but he's dead and i need this." she said.

"FIND SOMETHING ELSE! HE'S NOT DEAD!" he yelled and she flinched back and swam away.

she swam and found another dead body on a something to float on, so without thinking she shook the body off and climbed on.

she didn't know what to do now, she could still hear screams but most of the plane had sunk, she looked at the damage and felt some tears roll down her cheek, she shook her head and told herself that right now wasn't the time to cry.

she started to move when she was pushed into the water, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" she screamed while gasping for air.

"i need this to float on so i don't drown bitch." a man in his 40s said.

"yeah sure and i was just using that so i can dry my hair? no, fuck off i had it first." she told him trying to push him off, he was too heavy.

"nice try, slut." he laughed as he started splashing her with water, "leave. shoo!"

she managed to flip him off before swimming away, what the fuck do i do now? she thought as she hopelessly tried to find something else.

eventually she did but it took her far, far out and now she was lost, by herself and floating on a small piece of plane in the middle of the ocean.

she called and called out and didn't get nothing in return, she looked down into the never ending deep sea and just started crying, how did this happen? how was i the one who was left crying in the middle of the ocean? i should've died, i should die, theres no point, i'm going to die anyway-

"HI!!!!" she heard someone calling out to her, she turned her head and saw the boy she was talking to earlier.

"oh my gosh, hi!!" she smiled at the sight at another human.

"hey." there was no emotion in his voice, she noticed the piece he was floating on was the same piece she was trying to get so this must've meant his brother was really dead.

"come with me, i've found other survivors." he told her.

she nodded and floated with him to the group of people, she noticed the older man from before and her breath hitched, she did not want to deal with him.

"why did you bring her here, grayson?" the older man asked him.

grayson, so that's his name. it's nice.

"she was floating around all by herself." he reasoned.

she saw that the older man and a few other people were sitting on the wing of the plane.

"well i don't want her here, we already have enough people." he said back.

grayson rolled his eyes, "come on." he grabbed her hand and floated closer to the wing.

he jumped on first and when she started to jump on the older man pushed her under water.

she struggled but it wasn't any use he was obviously much stronger than her. she started getting dizzy when soon the force above her head was gone and she jumped back to the surface breathing in the air.

she looked around and saw the older man floating in the water and blood on the side of the wing and grayson's hands.

"come on." he said to her, extending his arm, she took it and he helped her up on the wing.

"don't say anything." he told her as he washed his hands in the cold water.

they all floated in silence for a while until someone spoke up, "um so my name is justin." a man who looked mid-20s said.

"my name is taylor." a girl who also looked the same age as justin said.

"my name is crimson." she said.

she saw grayson smile just the tiniest of smiles, "my name's grayson."

"how did he know your name?" justin asked. crimson mentally rolled her eyes, don't ask him about the man he just murdered.

"he was my uncle." grayson said. he looked down into the water, they had floated far away from his late uncle but he still looked out like he was searching for him.

crimson's heart sunk, he killed his uncle to save me.

the guilt she felt made her sick, she had just been replaying, 'he killed his uncle to save me' in her mind. his uncle, she thought of her uncle, how she loved him and how he always have an extra fresca for her in the fridge.

she suddenly did feel really sick and threw up in the ocean, she looked up embarrassed, "i'm sorry."  

"it's okay. we understand." taylor said.

at least she's nice.

"yeah i'm surprised i haven't thrown up yet." justin laughed.

taylor and crimson rolled their eyes.

they floated around for another few hours, crimson had searched her brain for anything to say to grayson but came up empty.

how do you thank someone for saving their life by killing their uncle?

she decided it was better not to say anything but it still made her feel awkward. 

after what felt like forever they found land, "guys look over there!! holy shit there's land!! come we gotta go!!" justin said and everyone agreed and they floated as fast as they could to the island.

island love // grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now