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"wow took you guys long enough." taylor said as they walked back the beach.

"yes but we come bearing breakfast." justin said.

"breakfast! what is it?" she asked as they all sat next to her.

"coconut milk." justin told her, handing them out.

"that's it?" taylor asked.

"yes, do you see a mcdonald's?" justin replied, "and don't be ungrateful. crimson had to climb up the tree to get them and then she fell down, grayson caught her though."

"hmm he caught her?" taylor questioned smirking at crimson and her cheeks went red.

"yeah i didn't want her to break her leg or something, there's no on call doctor for the middle of the ocean." grayson defended.

after his comment, no one said anything and everyone just had their breakfast in silence. once everyone was finished, justin stood up and collected all the empty coconuts.

"we'll find some use for these." he said, "okay so now we need to get to work. okay taylor considering you're all 'let's get off the island!!' you can start working on making a sos or help sign that will be big enough for planes to see. crimson and grayson i want you to go into the jungle and try see what foods you can find you know like fruit or whatever and take some coconuts, you can put the fruits in them and i'll go into the jungle and start figuring out how to make a shelter."

crismon and grayson nodded, collected some coconuts and headed off into jungle but taylor stayed, "and why do i have to do what you say?"

"i gave you the job you want, helping us get rescued. that's what you want right?" he asked.

"of course it is!" she said standing up, "ok i'll go work on the sign. goodbye justin." she said as she turned her head and walked away in the other direction.


"we have to be careful about what berries we eat, some of them could be poisonous." grayson told her as they walked through the jungle searching for food.

"well do you know which ones are and which ones aren't?" she asked him.


"then maybe we should stay clear of the berries and just look for other fruits." she suggested and he nodded.

it was a bit of an awkward silence, crimson wanted to get know him better and ask him questions but she didn't want to remind him of his brother.

"how long do you think were gonna be here for?" she asked, she just decided to go with a non-personal question, she didn't want to come off as nosey.

"i really don't know. it could be days, weeks, months, years. it's hard to tell. to be honest, i'm not even expecting to rescued." he told her whilst he looked up at the trees in search for fruits.

"at all? like ever? you think we're gonna be here forever?"

"it's not like i want to be here forever but when you expect things you get your hopes up and hope is probably more dangerous than the island itself." he told her, he was looking at her now. she felt completing stupid that she had butterflies in her stomach when he looked into her eyes.

"i guess you're right, i mean i haven't really thought of it either. unlike taylor, i think being here has hit her the most." crimson said.

"i don't really like her, she just seems a bit full of herself, you know? like she wasn't the only one crashed in the middle of the ocean." grayson said.

crimson was about to defend her when grayson spotted some fruit, "finally! look up there, crimson, do you see the apples?"

"oh my gosh yeah!!" she smiled, "so how are you gonna get up there?"

"how am i going to get up there?" he questioned, she nodded, "you're the one who's going to climb the tree."

"nope, i did it last time, it's your turn." she reasoned.

"yeah well what if i fall? you won't be able to catch me." he told her.

"why because of i'm a girl? that's very 1900's of you grayson." crimson said.

"okay fine fine, i'll climb the tree but if i fall and brake both of our backs, i'm blaming you." grayson said.

"yes yes that's fine. now just get up there." crimson urged him and he climbed the tree, branch by branch. it looked a lot easier then the skinny, branchless tree crimson had to climb a few hours ago.

"i'm going to drop them now, so be careful!!" grayson yelled from the tree top and she yelled back, 'okay.'

one by one, the apples fell from the tree and it almost felt like some video game as crimson tried to catch them all without letting them falling to the ground and getting bruised.

"got them!!!" she yelled and grayson started making his way down. crimson had just finished filling up the coconut shells with apples when she heard grayson yell and before she could blink they were both on the ground and grayson was on top of her.

they both just bursted out laughing, "i told you, you wouldn't be able to catch me." grayson said.

"that's cause i wasn't paying attention." she defended herself.

"well maybe you should pay more attention." he said softly to her, he started looking in her eyes and for a second she thought he was going to kiss her, those butterflies came back as he inched closer to her face, but just as she thought he was really going to kiss her, he got up.

he extended his arm to her and she took as he helped her, "ok so do we go back now?" she asked.

"like justin is going to be happy with only five apples. no, we'll keep looking for a few more hours and then head back." grayson said as he got the coconut shells and started walking.

a few more hours? crimson was only now realising how exhausted she was but she put all those thoughts away because she didn't want to seem weak in front of grayson.


the sky was slowly turning darker when they decided to head back to the beach and by the time they got back the sky was dark.

"wow they're alive! i was starting to think a bore got to you or something." justin said.

"nope were not dead but my legs might as well be." crimson said as she collpased on the sand.

"aha i see you tired her out grayson?" justin laughed.

"shut up man." grayson said, no joking in his tone.

"we have dinner." taylor said, pointing to the cooking fish.

"great, i'm starving." crimson said.

"yeah so how did you guys go?" justin asked.

grayson showed him all the full coconut shells.

"wow you guys actually did work! good job, you remember how to get to these places?" justin asked.

grayson and crimson shared a worried look, "no we totally forgot about that." she said.

"it's alright. these should last us a day or two." justin observed looking at the fruit.

"dinner's ready." taylor announced, she handed out fish to everyone.

"so how did you guys go?" grayson asked.

"i started my sign but it takes a lot so i only did the s and o of sos and tommorow i'll finish that and start on help." taylor said.

"yeah and i've got a plan for the shelter, so i'm going to start that tomorrow." justin said.

after dinner, they stayed up taking for a bit, justin told them his plan for the shelter and how he's going to need their help.

soon after, they all spread out on the sand and went to sleep.

"goodnight crimson." grayson said, they were close enough they could hear each other without having to raise their voices to much.

"goodnight grayson."

island love // grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now