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ok hey guys so before the chapter i just wanna remind you guys of a few (probs more lmao) chapters ago when crimson said, "i miss you so much ricky." it's just kinda of relevant in the chapter. :)

for the rest of the day, grayson and crimson were left alone. all they did all day was talk and get to know each other more. they started talking about what their lives were like back home before the crash. it was a nice a refresher talking about music and tv shows instead of survival skills. 

the next morning, they were awaken by knocking on the cell door. they both got up and walked over to the door and saw the old man. 

"good morning." he said, he sounded happy. this scared both of them. "we've decided we're going to give you a chance to live with us." 

"live with you? what do you mean?" crimson asked. 

"here on the island of course. i warn you though, our way of living is lot different to the outside world." he clarified. 

"different how?" grayson asked. 

"you'll see." the old man said. he then opened the door and though at first they hesitated, they walked through and followed him down the hallway. 

they were lead outside and there eyes widen at what they saw; it was a village full of people all dressed the way they were and all working hard at a number of things. "this is the heart of the island, that's why i've set up my home here." the old man told them, "come on. let's go down. i want you to meet everyone and get settled." 

when they walked down, everyone in the village gasped at the old man and instantly bowed their heads. crimson and grayson frowned as they definitely didn't see anything to worship in him. 

"sam, what a pleasure it is." a well built man said as sam walked up to him. grayson and crimson were holding hands behind him, which gained them a lot of dirty looks from people in the village.

"hi cody. these our newest addition here. will you please get alison to show them to their rooms and new jobs." sam ordered. 

"of course, my lord." cody then disappeared into the village to get alison. 

"once alison is here, i'll be leaving back to the top." sam told them. 

a couple of minutes later, cody showed up with a girl with long brown hair and looked the same age as taylor. 

"hi father. who do you have here?" alison greeted her father, sam. 

both crimson and grayson widen their eyes. sam has a daughter? poor girl. crimson thought. 

"this is crismson and grayson. they're moving into the village. please show them there rooms and jobs." sam said. 

alison smiled, "nice too meet you. follow me." 

sam left without saying goodbye and hurried up the hill. crimson held on too grayson as they walked through the sea of judgy faces. 

alison showed crimson and grayson the rooms they were staying in. crimson had to share a room with four other girls and grayson had to share a room with five other boys. alison then assigned them different jobs to do, grayson was harvesting crops and crimson was  working in the kitchen. 


crimson was rolling out some dough when a girl came up to her, "is that boy you came in with your brother?" she asked. she looked a couple years younger than crimson though her hair was much longer and her hands were dirtier and crimson could tell she had been working in the kitchen from a very young age. 

"what no? he's my boyfriend." she told her, disgusted by the idea of grayson being her brother. 

crimson's answer earned a gasp from her, "you can't have a boyfriend! how old are you?" 


"and you're not married?" 

"no, why would i be married at 17?" 

"girls on the island get married at 16." she told her. 

"well from where i'm from people don't get married when they're teenagers." crimson told her. 

"really? wow so when do you parents choose your husband?" 

"they don't choose our husbands, i mean in some cultures they do but not in mine." 

"wait so you get too choose your husband?" she asked, amazement in her voice. 

"yeah." crimson said.


after they had finished working, they were brought to dinner. it was a big room and everyone lined up for food. crimson wanted to find grayson and sit with him but the girls and boys were separated. crimson looked over to the boys in hopes of finding grayson, she did and he was laughing and smiling with some of the boys he had met. she tried to get his attention by waving but he wasn't looking at her. she gave up and went and sat alone, she looked for the girl she was talking too before but she wasn't there. 

after she finished her dinner, she walked outside and by walking to the door, she passed grayson's table. "hey crismon, come over here!" 

she smiled and walked over to him. "hi gray!" 

"hi love, these are my friends, nathan, dan and tyler." grayson introduced. 

"hi guys." crimson greeted and they all smiled at her in amazement.  

"guys, stop staring. that's my girlfriend." grayson warned his friends and they looked back at their food embarrassed. 

"meet me by the harvest shed at midnight." grayson whispered to crimson. she nodded, her heart warmed when he stood so close to her and his hand brushed hers. it was moments like these she wished she had met grayson normally, like at school or a coffee shop and they could've have gone on dates and then eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend and be a normal couple. 


crimson laid awake in her bunk watching the clock tick by, while waiting too meet grayson she was super bored so she decided to snoop through the others girls things. it sounds bad but she just wanted to get a better idea of how the girls lived here. 

she snooped through someone stuff and found nothing interesting until she came across a piece of paper, there was two different handwritings so crimson assumed it was a conversation between friends. 

the conversation was about a girl who wanted to date this boy but he was already set to marry another girl. her friend was telling her to forget about him but she said she couldn't. it reminded crimson of her life before her biggest worry was how to survive on a island.

"lily, he's so cute. just look at him!" crimson gushed, leaning against her locker looking at ricky down the hallway. 

"yeah sure sure, and look at the girl he's holding hands with, his girlfriend." lily, crimson's best friend told her. 

"you always ruin it." crimson spat and lily just rolled her eyes. 

"girl, you have to get over him! he has a girlfriend and it doesn't look like they're going to break up anytime soon." lily said as they walked down the hall too class 

"easy for you too say, you already have a boyfriend." crimson said. 

"i know, and you'll find a nice boy but it isn't going to be ricky because he's already someone else's boy." lily said as they walked into the class and sat down. 

"i'm never going to find another boy better than ricky!" crimson said and soon their teacher walked in and they started class. 

crimson smiled at a little remembering that moment, turns out she did end up finding a better boy that ricky. she looked up at the time and saw it was time to go and meet grayson. she snuck at the window as the door makes a noise every time it's open. 

island love // grayson dolanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora