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the next morning when crimsonwoke up, taylor and justin were already sitting by the shore together talking.

she got up and walked over to the others, "good morning." she said.

"good morning crismon." justin said as she sat next to him.

"sleep well?" taylor asked.

"yeah i guess. you?"

"good, good." taylor said back.

"so we were talking and we're gonna start building a shelter and making clothes and find a lake or something for water and-" justin went on.

"but first, don't you think we should try to find a way off the island?" taylor asked her. it was clear they had been arguing over this.

"yeah but what if we don't get rescued? and were stuck here forever. we're gonna need to learn how to survive here." justin argued.

"it sounds like you want to be stuck here forever." taylor said.

"are you kidding me? sorry for actually trying to survive here, without me you wouldn't last a second." justin said and got up and walked away into the jungle.

"men." taylor said rolling her eyes.

"what about men?" grayson said.

"good morning grayson!" crimson smiled at him, taylor laughed a little.

"good morning crimson." he said back.

"where did justin go?" he asked sitting down next to crimson.

"they got into a fight." crimson told him.

"it wasn't a fight! he just wanted to focus more learning how to survive here then trying to get rescued." taylor said.

"well i mean i see where he's coming from like everyone probably just assumes were dead so there not gonna be looking for us and if they do go the place where we crashed, were to far away from there for them to see us anyway." grayson said.

"what is with boys always being so negative? we will get rescued, were gonna get rescued." there was a sort of urgency in her voice and crimson could tell she would absolutely not be okay living here for the rest of her life.

"it's okay, taylor. i'm sure someday we'll get rescued but for now the boys are right, were gonna have to learn to live here." crimson said, she hoped she sounded nice enough, the last thing she wanted was to make an enemy out of taylor or anyone.

"yeah i understand, where is justin anyway?" she asked turning her head towards the jungle.

"i think he went to the jungle, i'll go look for him." grayson said standing up.

"i'll come with you." crimson said.

"you don't have too." grayson said.

"no, it's okay. i haven't been in the jungle yet. i feel like i should get to know the area right?" she said, she wasn't sure if it sounded like bullshit or not, she just really wanted to spend time with him.

"ok let's go." grayson said before he started walking.

"you coming?" she asked taylor.

"nope, i'll leave you too lovebirds." she laughed.

"taylor!" crimson said and turned her head and thanked the heavens that grayson was too far to hear.

"bye!!" taylor called out as crimson followed grayson into the jungle.


"so is this where you guys yesterday looking for food?" she asked, trying to keep up with him.

island love // grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now