Destory Me, Save Me

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Wrote this when I was listening to Just Lose It by Eminem. Lets see Phil go crazy-punk!

Enjoy the last chapter!


Phil awoke with a cry as he fell to the floor.

He looked around quickly and sighed. He was in his house, his bedroom, not back there at the hospital with John and Dolph.

He growled as he thought about John.

Oh John, Johnny boy had disappeared from WWE a few months later.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Punk growled as he grabbed his gun and keys and walked out of the house.


"Punk?" April called out, she heard the door shut when she was in the shower.

She went back into their bedroom and looked in there when she saw the closest door open and his clothes thrown everywhere.

She saw the gun missing.

He's going after him! Fuck!

She threw on clothes and ran into her car and called Kaitlyn, Seth, Randy and Dean.


Punk shot the door of John's house open and walked in.

John woke up in his room, groaning, he had gotten wasted the night before.

"Hello, Johnny boy." Punk smirked as he looked at John, "How's life you son of a bitch!"

Punk lunged at him and hit him with the gun and threw him into the door, breaking the door.

He growled as he shot John in the head and got Into his car and left.

One down, two more to go.


April ran into Johns house with Seth and Dean seeing John dead on the floor with blood everywhere.

"Fuck, we're too late." April cursed as she ran back to her car.


Punk slammed Ryan's door open, hearing the glass break.

He growled as he stalked into the house, looking up at Ryan.

Ryan held a gun at Punk, "You asshole!"

"Oh fuck you!" Punk yelled as he lunged at Ryan and hit him with the gun, kicking Ryan's gun away.

He slammed him into the table, breaking the glass table, cutting Ryan

He heard a car door shut and someone run into the house.

He looked over and saw Dean and Seth coming.

He shot Ryan and ran out the back door.

"God dammit! I just saw him!" Seth yelled, kicking the table as they ran back into the car.


Punk ran to Dolph's house and kicked the back door open.

Dolph jumped as he looked at the back door seeing Punk there with the gun.

Punk smirked as he shot Dolph's leg.

"You're gonna suffer!" Punk yelled, kicking his head.

Punk growled as he threw Dolph into the mirror, breaking it.

Punk kicked Dolph in his ribs, shooting Dolph in the face before leaving Into the rain.

"Punk!" April cried, "Stop!"

"Why should I?" He asked, throwing the gun down.

She ran up to him, in the rain.

"Because! You're destroying yourself! You're gonna ruin everything we've worked for. I can't lose you again.. I just can't." April's voice cracked as her eyes watered.

He pressed his lips to hers, the tears sliding down his face as he kissed her.

He couldn't lose her again.. Not again.

He pressed his body against hers as he heard Seth scream before a gun shot.

"Hello, Phil. Long time no see!" A voice yelled as they shot Dean.

The other person shot Randy.

"Please.. Don't leave me again." Punk said to April and he grabbed the gun.

April nodded and hid behind him.

"I can't destory myself anymore, I just can't.

I have to do this for her.

For you, love.."


Here's the end!

A sequel is on it's way.

This was a blast to write, thanks for reading!

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