Bullet-proof Love

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April sighed in comfort as Phil played with her hair as they cuddled in the back room of the bus with all the lights off.

Only Kaitlyn, Eve and Kofi were with them.

He cuddled her as she smiled at him, "So.."

"So..?" She mumbled, kissing his nose.

"What are we? Friends? Or.." He paused, not wanting to push it or mess up what they have right now.

"I don't know. We can be whatever you want us to be," She smiled, looking up at him.

"Would..you like to be my...girlfriend again?" He asked shyly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She whispered, smiling at him.

He smiled and kissed her lips.


My love for you was bullet-proof but you're the one who shot me

(P.S, sorry it's short. Runnin' out of ideas.)

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