Beat Me

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Kaitlyn and Eve sat down at the booth, watching TV.

Eve yawned. "It's too early,"

"Evie, it's only nine in the morning," Kaitlyn smiled, rubbing her leg gently.

"I know, but I'm still tired." Eve said as she laid down and put her head on her legs.

"Just sleep then," Kaitlyn mumbled as she stroked Eve's hair.

Eve mumbled something and fell asleep to Kaityn's soothing and loving touches.


April woke up in his arms, she smiled and looked up. She thought she'd never be able to be in his arms.

She stroked his arm, carelessly.

She smiled as he kissed her cheek, "Morning, Darlin'." He smirked.

"Morning!" She chirped, slowly dragging herself out of his embrace.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked, yawning as he stretched and got out of bed.

"I don't know," She murmured, "Can we play the Xbox?"

"Sure. Wanna see If you can beat the best in the world?" He smirked.

"Don't go cry to Kaitlyn if you lose," She smiled, leaning up and kissing him before she walked out to the middle of the bus.

They were traveling to a house show in Mexico, again.

April sat down and turned on the Xbox, giggling as he looked around for the controllers.

"Need some help, baby?" She giggled, holding up the remotes.

He rolled his eyes and started playing the game.

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