Outta Here!

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[ You guys like long updates, right?]

Phil and April were now laying In his bed, watching TV together as they caressed their hands, smiling and giggling.

"So, what now?" She asked, smiling at him.

"I can think of something.." He smirked, tilting her head up and capturing her lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, accepting his kisses and sucking on the spot where his lip-ring was.

He growled, opening his mouth a little and brushing her bottom lip with his tongue.

She let a small cry out as she opened her mouth, tangling her tongue with his.


Ziggler, Cena and Ryback kicked in the back door of Phil's house, all dressed in black.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Ryback growled, stomping up the stairs.


Phil broke the kiss and got up, hearing the stomps and ryback's voice.

"Get in the shower and hide." Phil said, pecking her lips as he locked the bathroom door, sliding the key to her.

He grabbed his bat and opened the door before he saw Ziggler and Cena's face and everything went black.


"Come on, baby." Ziggler hissed as he kicked the bathroom door down, seeing a pink and blue color in the shower as he slammed the door open, seeing April scared and whimpering.

"Please! Leave me alone!" April said, struggling against him as he jerked her out of the shower.

"How dare you leave me again!" He growled, "You're mine! You get that? Mine! Now you can watch your little boyfriend suffer!"

Ryback picked Phil up as Cena picked up the bat, slamming the bat over Phil's head, laughing at April screaming for him to stop.

"Please!" She cried, trying to get away from Ziggler but his strong grip stopped it.

"You should've never left me! You're mine!" He growled, snapping her arm as she screamed in pain, "I don't want you anymore! You'll regret the day you left me! C'mon boys!" Ziggler sneered as he dropped April to the ground, walking away with them.

"Phil.." April groaned, reaching out for him, as she hissed in pain.

April slowly grabbed his phone, hitting the emergency button as it dialed 911.

"Hang on, Phillip.." She croaked, groaning in pain.


Phil awoke in a hospital bed, his head pounding as he looked next to him, April was still asleep, her arm in a cast.

He sighed and slowly got up, groaning softly as he held his ribs, laying down next to her.

He got into the bed next to her, cuddling up to her as he soon fell asleep again.


April woke up, feeling like shit as she looked up she saw Phil watching TV, and smiling.

"What..what happened?" She asked, groaning.

"Ziggler happened." Phil said, bitterly.

"I'm so sorry." She said, biting her lip to hold the tears back.

"It's okay, at least you're okay." He smiled, kissing her forehead.

She smiled, "So, when are we getting out of here?"

"Now, but we're having Seth, Dean, Kaitlyn, Eve and Randy staying with us. They're worried." Phil said as he got up.


Phil limped into the house, grabbing a few pepsi's and water, and a few batman DVD's and all of the Pokémon TV show's.

He smirked as April showed everyone their room, as he went to theirs and moved the TV closer to their bed and put in the Pokémon DVD, and setting the drinks down as he flopped down on the bed.

"I see you're ready for a lazy day." April mumbled, brushing her midnight black hair, and taking her jeans off and putting on his boxers.

"I am." He said, staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked as she sat down next to him.

"Because I can." He replied, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her head.

"I'm sorry." He said, running his hand through her hair.

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry for, baby." She purred, leaning into his touch.

"I could've stopped them." He said, looking down.

"You were out numbered, by two men. There was three, you couldn't have. You tried your best." She assures him.

"My best isn't good enough." He growled to himself.

"It Is for me." She said, caressing his cheek as she stares into his eyes, and she pecked his lips.

He calmed down, and laid his head down on her lap as they watched TV.


"Seth!" Kaitlyn growled, "Did you steal my hair gel?"

"Dean!" Seth said, slamming the door in Kaitlyn's face and running away.

"What'd you do now?" Dean asked, as Kaitlyn slapped Seth upside the head, "He deserved it?"

"Damn right, he did." Kaitlyn hissed.

"Kaitlyn!" Eve yelled, tugging on her arm, "Calm down, baby."

"You better give it back, Seth." Kaitlyn growled as she followed Eve back to their room.

"What'd you do?" Randy asked Seth, watching TV.

"Stole her hair gel. Used it all." Seth said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dean smacked Seth with a news paper, "Ow! Fuck!" Seth whined.

"Bad Seth!" Dean yelled.

"Fuck.." Seth muttered, rubbing his head.

"Bad Sethie-boo." Randy cooed.

"Ugh." Seth muttered, flopping down on the bed and watching TV.

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