A Broken Robin

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Jason Todd, at the moment sixteen, watched as his mentor trained vigorously, he studied the moves he made and the risks taken.

Training was easy; simply preparing the body and mind for things to come were what Jason lived for. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that criminals were punished lightly. Bruce told him the politics of crime fighting. It didn't make much sense, but he followed them as best he could.

You mustn't stoop to their level, broken bones are better than lives lost.

But what he just couldn't wrap his mind around was the fact that any criminal they put away ended up back out in the streets, wrecking havoc and mayhem.

He donned his Robin suit, mentally switching off the way he felt toward the scum he fought. If he didn't, he'd risk further injury that might lead to death. And Bruce wouldn't be too forgiving if that happened.

When he turned nineteen, his feelings toward criminals became more sinister. He couldn't stand to see his idol be shot at or stabbed and almost be killed every other night by the same murderous people. When he battled against henchmen, he gave it his all and made sure to do life altering damage.

Nearing his twentieth birthday, a new villain decided to pop up. The Joker. Now, he wasn't one to judge the way most felons looked, but this new guy was freaky.

From the green hair to the bloody smile, he couldn't shake the chills he got from him. The Joker seemed almost inhuman, especially when he was laughing as he was being beaten by the Bat.

For the first time since he's been by Batman's side, he witnessed his mentor become obsessed. At first, it was just ramblings of what The Joker could be plotting, then it went to the way he thought and acted. What unnerved Jason the most was how easily Bruce lost focus of what was in front of him in favor of capturing the madman.

His emotions were a blur of want and need, specifically when it came to Bruce. The older man didn't spend any time with Jason or Alfred when the Joker came along. It hurt to see someone he cared about act like an addict.

So, Jason did what any young adult would do; he left and moved to Metropolis. Started a new life for himself.

He found himself a teacher that could help with a different set of training; firearms.

As he went through each session, his outlook on life altered. He rarely spoke to anyone, rarely let his mind rest, and in a way, he broke himself.

It came as no surprise that Bruce never contacted him. But some small part of him hoped he would. If even for a moment, he hoped he was on the other man's mind enough to earn a phone call.

The only one that seemed to care was Alfred, but he knew the old man would worry about his well-being. Alfred was the father he never had, the father Bruce tried to be but couldn't.

For three years, he stayed away from Gotham City. That was until he saw a news report about Joker's disappearance. It was quite surprising, but he figured the clown would've died eventually. At least he hoped that was the case.

It made him smile, this was his chance. As Bruce must be in some sort of shock, he could make a move of his own. The more he thought of it, the more he realized it wouldn't be as easy as him popping up out of the blue and striking a conversation.

He'd have to play dirty, it was the only way he could have Bruce to himself. Even if it was for a moment.

Everything was all too easy. He expected his plan to have backfired. Fortunately for him, it didn't and he was glad.

He finally had a taste of Bruce, the man he pined for night after night when he was away. The feel of his mentor, submissive and weak, was satisfying. It was the best experience he ever had, if only he could have it again. If he could, he'd have Bruce every night for hours on end.

But maybe, he mused, That's not meant to be.

His eyes followed the Bat as he paced back and forth between his computer and his lab.

Currently, his body ached from Joker's beating, his mind raged as he envisioned the clown running free. He couldn't calm himself for a moment.

"Why didn't you take him in?" He growled at Batman.

Batman never looked his way.

"I couldn't."


"..." Bruce stopped his frantic typing,"He won't cause any harm right now. What's more important is the other criminals."

"Such as?" Jason crossed his arms.

"Black Mask. He's surfaced again and this time, he's got together multiple gangs. I don't know what he's planning to do, but I must stop him." He continued to type in keywords.

"How are you trying to find the information?"

"Social media. Do you know how easy it is to find someone's location nowadays? All it takes is locating an ip address. And with the programs I have installed, all it takes is a simple click." The Bat explained.

"One of his men must have posted something about anything. It's just finding the right account that's taking so long."

"What do you plan on doing when he's taken down?" Jason ask, an underlying challenge in his voice.


Jason couldn't believe it. After all these years, Bruce still held true to his word. And even then, Jason couldn't help but have strong feelings toward him, though he didn't agree with most of what he did.

He sighed,"I need to leave, Bruce."

"Why? You're still recovering?" Batman turned to face him.

Jason smirked,"I have things that need to be taken care of. I promise I'll come back though."

Bruce stared, taking in the young man he watched grow up. He felt an emotion well up in his chest, a fatherly love. But it fell short, he couldn't allow himself to feel for others right now. He didn't even know what he felt.

"Alright. You know where I'll be," he replied, going back to what he was doing.

Jason sighed softly and made his way out of the Batcave, each step was a painful reminder of what he must do. If he alone couldn't have the Bat to himself, then no one would.

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