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The car ride was silent, Batman didn't mind it but Bruce was beginning to worry.

He's so quiet, I think he needs to talk about-

He talked about it enough, I have no intention to pry any further.

But he needs comfort. Can't you see he's just a broken man on the inside?

And a serial killer outside. Yeah, I see as plain as day.

The Joker looked out the window at the passing trees and few houses, the blur of parenthood. The sun shined at him from an angle, he focused on his refelction. Cold green eyes stared at him. He touched his face gently, seeing his actual skin color. The circles under his eyes clearly showed his sleepless nights. Though his lips stayed the cherry red of a killer, he licked then gently to wet them.


The Bat jumped slightly from the sudden noise,"Yes?"

"Am I beautiful?" He asked, he rolled his head to the side and batted his eyes playfully.

He smirked,"You're like a poisonous snake, beautiful to look at and fascinating to watch, but deadly."

"I'm not sure I like your answer, Batsy, but I'll take it." He crossed his arms and scooted so his back was to the Bat. He stared out the window once more, lost in the maze of his mind.

The Bat frowned, had he said the wrong thing?


Alfred made himself a simple meal for lunch, he ate quietly and thoughtfully. Mentally, he made notes of what needs to be done.

Groceries are to be needed soon, along with cleaners. Essentials.

His phone vibrated softly in his blazer pocket, he swiped the screen and answered.


"Alfred? Hey, how have you been?"

"Jason, haven't heard from you in a long time. I've been good. How has schooling been?" Alfred smiled.

He heard a small laugh,"Rough. Training hasn't been a walk in the park. Broken bones are the metals of accomplishment."

"Ahh, yes. I remember Bruce saying something similar to me years ago," he shook his head slightly.

"Are you coming to visit?"

"Well, maybe. I haven't seen Bruce in a long while and I've been thinking long and hard about what I'd like to do with the rest of my life."

Alfred hummed,"I'm sure what ever you'd like to do, he'll be sure to support you. We'll both support you."

"I'm sure you would, Alfred. I'm just curious as to what he'll think."

The Joke's On You, Bats! [ 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚇𝙹𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now