Family Reunion

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He stared longingly at his reflection, the scar above his heart stared back. He touched it gently and rubbed his neck as he thought of the kisses placed there. The ghost sensation of hands along his body could be felt.

It wasn't that long ago when he felt loved and complete, finally complete. The emptiness in his chest hurt worse compared to his black eye. He touched his cheek, his actual skin. He didn't even realize he still had real skin.

Staring down at the grease paint Harley left him with, he meticulously applied it to his enire face. His paleness made him feel empowered in the grimy bathroom. Green acidic eyes burned with the sting of pain and vengeance.

The more he thought about how Bats turned on him, the more he tore himself up inside. He growled, his rage snapped and his fist shattered the mirror violently. Blood dripped down from his fingertips onto the floor

He stared into the broken reflection, seeing himself for what he's always known himself to be.

A monster.

When he finished mentally preparing himself to be around imbeciles, he headed into the main room of the abandoned building. It must've been an bottling company, if all the random bottles litering the floor were anything to go by.

"These bottles, these stupid worthless bottles. These upsettingly empty bottles! Soulessly existing bottles with no purpose!!!" He screeched, kicking some out of his way as he walked to where Harley was.

He glared, dangerous animosity emmiting from him. His acidic green eyes pierced her form from the chair she lounged on.

Harley stood up quickly, a smile on her face,"Oh puddin'! I've been waiting for you!" She squealed and ran over, embracing him lovingly. She pulled away before he could and skipped over to the closet door.

He watched her, unamused and foul tempered. Crossing his arms, he held his breath when the door was opened.

"What is this, Harley?" He growled, his eyes could've glowed furiously.

A little girl, about eleven years old, whimpered when she saw the Joker. Her face was half done in his signature style, messy and even more horrid than his own. Her hair was blonde and long, the tips were dyed green and faded. Green frightened eyes stared up at him.

He fumed so much, he was shaking. He rubbed his temples furiously, speaking in a low tone.

"What made you think this was a good idea?"

Harley's grin disappeared,"I-I just thought maybe-"

"Maybe what? Maybe this will make me happy? Maybe this will make up for what you did all those years ago?" He gazed murderously at her. His jaw was tense, his muscles were tight, his painted smile literally looked like a frown.

She cried, silent, giving up tears.

"Let me tell you something, Harley. This isn't going to make me feel better, nothing is going to make me feel better! There is no happiness in my world!" He gave his henchwench a sidelong glance. With a dreadful sigh, he took the girl gently by the wrist and stormed out the front door.

"Nothing will make me happy but the Bat." He sighed.


Batman paced up and down the cave, his cape flapping gently. His mind was churning, coming up with any answer to the question in his head.

... Where is he?

Where is he?

Where is he??

The Joke's On You, Bats! [ 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚇𝙹𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now