Who did the Bat?

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Warning: 🍋


Batman's blood ran cold these days, he had little to no patience for the Joker -Jack. He rolled his eyes at the thought. Sure, the mad man seemed to finally settle in and he seemed to behave, but for all he knew Jack was playing a game.

Bruce, of course, let his guard down around him, but the Bat always kept his eyes open. He was well aware of what Jack did, where he was, how long it'd take him to go to the restroom, everything. He will stay alert even if Bruce doesn't think there's any reason to.

Especially with these new developments as of late. Anyone was a suspect.

Anyone was a suspect...

The thought hit him like a pile of bricks, but he swallowed his nausea down. He couldn't jump to conclusions, not yet. He had little to go off of.

He had let Harley and Selina take Ivy back to theirs. It was the only compromise they could come to. Selina promised to keep him updated on her status.

She did give him another tidbit of info, he pondered what she said again.

"Black Mask won't be the last."

Someone was specifically targeting the super criminals of Gotham. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to stop thinking about it.

But alas, that couldn't happen for someone like him.

Jack tapped his foot against the cold floor of the cave, a light echoing sound zapped the Bat out of his head. He tried to focus more on the monitor before him, but couldn't.

Irritated, he sneered at the raven haired man.


Jack smirked,"Make me."

He giggled, finally getting some attention from his Bat. He sauntered over to the brooding man, wrapping his arms around him from behind.

The maddening thoughts of guess who stopped when the clown touched him, his shoulders dropped and the Bat's control ebbed away to let Bruce shine through. Fingertips played with the ends of his mask, touching his cheeks and temples.

Jack, feeling the shift in mood, grinned wider as he tested the waters further. He worked the thick mask off Bruce, before kneading his fingers into his hair. He massaged and lightly pulled the strands, hearing a soft sigh encouraged him to delve deeper.

After mussing his hair, Jack continued to work his swift hands on the tension in Bruce's neck, pressing his thumbs deep into the stiff muscles. He worked the knots out before continuing to his shoulders.

His hands ached a bit, but he could tell his Brucey needed some TLC. He undid the light armor that was in the way, stripping Bruce shirtless. His mouth watered at the sight of such toned muscles, he pushed Bruce forward to rest on the desk as he kneaded his back and shoulders.

Bruce could feel goosebumps rise where Jack touched him, but he blamed the coolness of the cave. His face flushed a bit, but he could easily hide it as he crossed his arms and put his head down. It felt good, so what if the Bat scolded him for being so comfortable.

Jack enjoyed how relaxed Bruce became, he rubbed his back and poked deeply into his muscles to check for more tight knots. After deeming his work complete, his hands started to wander.

His fingertips moved slowly to the front of Bruce, cupping his chest and brushing against his nipples. Between his fingers, he rolled the little buds, pinching and pulling just slightly.

The Joke's On You, Bats! [ 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚇𝙹𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now