Chapter 8: Feeling Some Way

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Eden pov

The the last couple of days or so, Ryan and I have grown a little close. I notice Geno have been peeping that as well.

I'm kind of sad that he's leaving to New Orleans for a month. I know it has something to do with Geno feeling some way.

So far it's just been Geno and I in the house along with the maids of course.
I try my hardest to avoid him. And for food, I sent the maids to get me something.
Geno goes one way and I go the other.

Genesis pov 🔫

I walked down stairs to the kitchen. I looked around and there was nothing to eat.

"What the fuck?" I slammed the cabinet.

Eden walked in , with her hair messy and puffy face like she just woke up from weeks of sleeping.

She walked right past me to get a cup out of the cabinet and got some water.

"There ain't the no feed in here." I said out loud trying to start a conversation. She continued to drink her water.

"So you not going to say anything?"

She glared at me.

"Why Geno? You don't give a fuck about me , all I -" she stopped in mid sentence. "I'm going to bed." She was about to walk away.

"Oh, but Ryan does.."

Eden stopped and turned to face me.

"Yes , he do.. Ryan is the only one in this house that shows respect towards me and helps me out, besides the maid that have to go get me food because I can't leave .. So fuck you."

My closed my eyes not trying to blow up.

"Thats fine you don't like me or even hate me, my fault for treating you like shit, but damn what we going to do about this empty ass kitchen.."


What the hell am I doing here.

I kept my hood on and pushed the cart down each ale as Eden placed food in the cart.

"You know this the shit you should be doing, not me."
I said firmly.

Eden ignored me and kept shopping.

"Why am I here, I got better things to do, it's a woman's job to be doing all this." I watched Eden shop.

"Can you please stop complaining like a fucking 2 year old, I'm only here cause I'm stuck in the fuvking house with you, the least i can have is food. I'm not your woman and damn sure not your wife just your fucking room mate that you keeping hostage, and too be honest it's not even held hostage any more cause I'm living off your ass, rent free and all. You chosen me as your female company the least you can do is start showing me some respect, ease up on the fucking temper and just fucking relax Geno." Eden snapped at me.

That was the most she said to me since she started working for me in the beginning.

"Aight whateva, can a nigga get some cookies?"

She rolled her eyes and I followed her with the cart.

I couldn't lie watching her reach for things and in her own zone shopping made her look sexy.

We got the counter and I paid for everything. It came out to be $450.23.

I pushed the food out to the car and Eden made me put it in the car.

We got in the car and headed back to the house. I glanced over to Eden smacking on the grapes in her lap.

"So them your grapes?" I shot her a look.

"You damn right." She responded as he ate another. I shook my head.

"I be trying not to go off on your ass , but you say some slick ass shit."
I clenched my jaws.

"Geno, all the shit you do, you can't say shit about slick at the mouth, let's just both agree to give each other respect and you not get mad over every little thing..sensitive as hell." Eden rolled her eyes and stared out the window.

We got to the house and the maids brung the food in and began putting things up.

💗Eden pov💗

As the maid placed the groceries in their rightful place, I grabbed out everything that I needed to cook tonight.

Do I like Geno? Hell no, he's irritating asf, but I think I can tolerate him for now.

I remembered Geno has a grill out side.

I took the lighter, went to the back yard and started the grill.

I still have to season the meat and cook the sides.

Geno leaned against the counter as he watched me season everything.

"You need some to do? Wash your hands and cover the corn with foil." I instructed him.

To my surprise Geno did what I said.

It was quiet while we both was working, but that was perfectly ok with me.

I headed outside and of course them damn dogs went crazy.

When all the food was finished, I sat at the table and ate. Geno sat down as well and joined me.

"This is really good." He broke the silence. "Thank you." I replied with no emotion.

Just then a face time call came in to his phone. He answered it and I could hear Ryan voice on the other end.

"Where Eden?" Ryan asked. I couldn't help but blush that he asked for me.

"She right here." Geno gave me the phone.

I smiled at Ryan goofy ass made a silly face on the phone.

"What's up boo, what you doing?" He asked.

"Eating..I cooked today."

Ryan mouth dropped.

"Let me see."

I turned the camera to the food.

"That looks so good boo." He said smiling.

"Wish I could be there to taste it.. I had your breakfast, I need to taste dinner now." We both chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Out here working , so I can get you nice birthday gift... Can't wait to come back and see that beautiful face in person, but aye I got to go.. I'll talk to you soon .. Take care cutie." Ryan really is a nice and sweet guy.

"You too."

I hung up and I handed the phone to Geno.

He grabbed the phone out my hand and quickly left the table with his plate.

What the hell was that about?

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