Double Tall Extra Hot Draco Malfoy With Whip, Please

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Author: dysonrules
Source: AO3
Title: Double Tall Extra Hot Draco Malfoy With Whip, Please

"I'm going to take a shower," Ginny said. "Why don't you go down and get me one of those fancy coffee drinks? A double coffee frappy foamy chino thingy with lots of chocolate."

"A what?" Harry asked, somewhat distracted by the view outside their hotel room window.

"We are in Seattle, Harry, the coffee capital of the world, according to the brochures. When in Rome and all that. I saw the famous green logo downstairs. Run along."

Harry sighed, but he had learned long ago that it was better not to argue over trivial things. Ginny had a quick temper and she seemed to enjoy arguing until Harry gave in. He looked out the window at the Space Needle one last time and then obediently left the room and headed for the elevator.

They had taken a Portkey from New York City—after taking a Portkey from London—something Harry vowed never to do again. The trip had seemed endless and the resulting nausea had stayed with him for what felt like hours. The Westin Hotel was nice, though, for all that it was completely Muggle.

The line for coffee was quite long and Harry studied the menu on the wall in confusion. The profusion of drinks was overwhelming. Macchiato, Frappacino, Americano, etcetera. A nearby conversation shocked him out of his daze.

"Here you go, Draco. See you tomorrow."

Harry's head snapped toward the name and he was shocked to see a platinum-haired man accept a silver coffee mug from the girl behind the counter. The man waved at her absently and turned to leave. His eyes locked with Harry's, who saw his own disbelief mirrored there.

"Malfoy?" he asked.

The grey eyes moved on and the blond man made his way briskly past Harry and out the door. Harry was frozen for only a moment and then he abandoned his place in line to hurry after the elusive man. He flung the door open and scanned the street only to find it devoid of anyone resembling Draco Malfoy. Shit, had he imagined the whole thing?

Harry returned to the coffee shop, mind whirling. Malfoy had disappeared completely after the war. His parents had never sent him back to Hogwarts and it wasn't long before the Malfoys deserted England completely for the Continent. They still owned Malfoy Manor, although as far as Harry knew it was vacant.

He repeated Ginny's words to the perky boy behind the counter, who managed to translate them into something hot and coffee-flavoured. Harry took the cup upstairs and set it on the counter before entering the bedroom suite to open his trunk. The shower still ran, so he felt safe to dig through his belongings until he pulled out a gleaming ebony box.

He set it on the bed and opened it before running his fingers over the smooth wand contained therein. The wand had taken up residence in his trunk several years ago and Harry had never bothered to remove it. He had always expected to see Malfoy again, had always intended to return the wand, but he wanted to do it in person. He wanted to thank Malfoy, or to apologize, or to do… something. He scowled and snapped the box shut. Fuck, why did everything always come back to Malfoy?

He had never expected it to take four years and he had not, in his wildest dreams, expected to see Draco Malfoy half a world away in a Muggle coffee shop.

It couldn't be him, Harry decided as he returned the wand case to his trunk. He had to have imagined the shocked expression on the man's face. He had most likely fled thinking Harry to be half-mad.

By the time Ginny exited the shower Harry had mostly convinced himself that he was mistaken. It was with barely a hint of disquiet that he escorted Ginny to breakfast at a local café. By noon he had almost forgotten the strange encounter.

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