Chapter 33.

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One week later - New Year's Eve

Sophie's POV

"So basically you're not pregnant?" I asked Chanel as my eyes were fixated on the road. It looked like that all of our conversation happened to be in a car.

We were heading to the mall to buy the last few things for tonight's event. Finally we agreed to go to the chalet and pass our last senior New Year's Eve all together.

Jason invited Jayden too. Me and Chanel planned on playing cupid with him and Emily so that she could finally live her own happily ever after, but it seemed that they had already got to know each other when I was hospitalized on Christmas Eve.

India told me that at first Emily thought she was talking to Jason, but then when they told her it was his twin brother she thought that she was so drunk that she was seeing double. Anyway they were getting along pretty well.

"Oh hell no!!! Do you think I'm ready to get fat and look like an hippopotamus?"

"Chanel, you're eighteen, I think that you're not ready to have a baby, not to get fat, but I presume that you'll never be ready to have one anyone, I would feel so sorry for it" I laughed.

"Hey so not true!! Babies love me!" She hit my arm playfully.

"Oh yeah that's what you think, if only they could talk ..." I chuckled.

"Whatever, you should've seen Adam's face when I first told him" she smiled at the memory.

"What? He didn't faint? Impressive"

"Oh god he was so pale that I thought he was! He didn't talk for two hours!" We both laughed.

"You're a lucky bitch.. I definitely wasn't ready to become an auntie"

"Is everything ready for tonight?"

"Yeah the guys said that they were taking care of the drinks" I rolled my eyes.

"Sure the were"

"And Emily and India are making the food right now"


"What? What's happened?" I immediately stopped the car panicked.

"There's only going to be meat, I hate meat!"

"You fucking idiot! I thought you were having an heart attack or something" I sighed in relief.

"Well I am!!"

"Oh shut up!" I put her scarf in her mouth so that she could stop complaining.

This week has been very very complicated. At first, as I had the permission to leave the hospital, Jason wouldn't leave me alone one second, but I was fine, fortunately only my shoulder was a bit fucked up and I have to take physiotherapy for a while, but nothing serious.

Obviously I had to return home, and that meant facing my mother. I can't deny that as I saw her tears started forming in my eyes, first because I was glad I was alive and I could see her again and second because I never expected that she did what my dear father told me she did.

She started hugging us both, me and Jason, saying that she was sorry for lying to us, but then we all calmed down and put all the missing parts of the puzzle back together.

Told us that what she did with Jason's adopted father was a very huge mistake and that everything happened after his mother's death, that she would've never hurt Adeline's feelings, even if what my mother and Mr.Miller had, was totally wrong.

She also said that it happened the night when my mother found out that my father wasn't only a drug dealer, because she was already aware of that, but he also started to use the drugs he used to sell illegally. She went to the town's bar were she met Jason's father. so the fact that he was an alcoholic wasn't false, he did start to drink after his wife's death. They were both very drunk and drowning in their own problems, so one think led to another. And that night was the night when Alex was conceived. That's why my father called him a bastard. A child born from an adventure extramarital.

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