Chapter 19.

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"Is anybody home?" I yelled while I got through the front door.

After that me and the girls had a fight on which film to watch next and two hours later, when the movie ended, I gathered my things and left Chanel's house.

I already knew that mum was on her night shift and that Alex was at my grandparents house, but I still felt the urge to scream in case there was a serial killer ready to attack me with one of mum's kitchens knifes.

I think you've been watching too many horror movies.

I think you should shut up.

I took a shower, dried my hair and changed in my hamburgers pajamas. It was late, I wasn't expecting guests so there wasn't a possibility that someone could see me in this outfit.

"I'm starving" I said as my tummy started to make funny noises.

Fortunately there was a frozen pizza in the refrigerator, so that could've been my dinner for tonight, but as I put my food in the microwave, I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Urgh damn it! Who's it know?! I swear if it's those Jehovah's witnesses again I'm going to freaking....Jason?"

Now, now, I wasn't expecting to see him on my doorway at this time of night.

"Sophie I'm sorry I'm not... not" Jason tried to say something as soon as his eyes met mine and walked in.

He was pulling his hair, he looked very frustrated. He kicked a box that was near him and then sit on the floor exasperated.

Why did I have the feeling that it was going to be a long night?

"Have you seen? Have you seen what happens to me when I bring it up? I'm not like this!" He continued still agitated, probably he was talking about how he reacted when I asked about his mother.

"I know that you're not like that" I tried securing him.

"No you don't! You were scared of me!"

Seeing how all that glass shattered to the floor wasn't the nicest of the views, but I also knew that Jason didn't only have that side and that there were many reasons behind his actions.

I took a deep breath looking around me, but my gaze fell on his knuckles, they were covered in blood and only the sight of it made me want to puke.

"Did you get into a fight?" I asked analyzing his hands.

"No." He immediately retrieved them as if he had gotten burnt.

"Don't move"

I went upstairs to get a towel so that he could clean the blood before it started to dry.
When I returned, I kneeled down in front of him and started cleaning his knuckles. I didn't look at him, but I knew that he was staring at me attentively.

"I'm not like this Sophie" he repeated.

I threw the towel on the floor once I had finished and lifted my gaze to meet his dark penetrating eyes. I didn't know why I did it, but my hand reached his cheek starting to caress it.

"I was only eleven" he whispered with closed eyes, while my hand was still on his cheek.

"I was only eleven when she died..."

"Jason you don't need to-.."

"I want to"

"Okay" I whispered.

"She had leukemia. They told me only when she was in her last state. I was just a kid, I never thought that my mother could've been that ill, but then she was sent to an hospice for her last days, she didn't have much left to live, so they had to tell me the truth.." I reached for his hand so that he knew that I was there for him and that this time he wasn't alone.

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