Chapter 11.

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My body was all sweaty, I felt the top of my pajamas sticking to myself and my breathing was heavy, like I had run for kilometers. I screamed, I screamed so that people could hear me, but all that came out were breathless moans.

"Sophie! Sophie!!"

I felt tears in my eyes, until someone woke me up.

"Sophie...c'mon breathe, follow me, breathe" my mum advised, sitting next to my bed.

I started breathing slowly like she was telling me to do.

"Good girl, you're doing well, you're here with me in your bed" she continued to whisper, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

"Nothing happened" I said more to myself than to my mum.


"Yeah" I simply answered.

"When did they come back?"

"I don't remember" I lied.

I was never going to tell her that one of the cause of my nightmares was Jason, but this time it was different. This nightmare was nothing like the previous ones, it  wasn't the bullies making fun of me, but it was my dad.

"Sweetheart are you sure you don't want to see someone? They can help you!" She nearly implored.

"Mum we've already discussed this, I don't need a shrink, I'm fine" she just couldn't understand that it wasn't that kind of help I needed, I just needed to feel loved, to try and fill that empty space that my father left behind.

"Ok baby, I'll be downstairs if you need anything" she said before walking out of my room.

I took a shower, staying under the hot water longer than usual, as if it could wash away all my problems.

After I changed, I threw myself back on the bed staring at my walls, everything was so blank, so I decided that in the future days I would paint them.

I arrived early at school due to my nightmare that woke me up and the first thing I saw was Chanel having a heated discussion with Adam at his locker, what did he do this time? I decided to figure it out on my own.

"Hey guys, what's all this yelling going on? I asked heading towards them. They both stopped yelling at each other.

"Sophie thank God! You saved me from this douchebag! See you in literature!" She said running away soon as possible.

"Okay, that was strange.. what did you do to wind her up?" I said to Adam with questioning eyes.

"Me? She was the one that interrupted my make out with Ashley" Adam defended.

"Samantha's' bimbo?"

"Yeah, one of them, I think it was her" Adam shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, remember me to high five her later then" I said, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Want to make out with me too? Probably I'm the only one in the entire school that you haven't at least  kissed yet1" I added, making fun of him.

He stopped what he was doing in his locker and he blushed, embarrassed form my propose. And I couldn't have not laughed in front of that face.

"Adam I'm joking, relax!" I laughed even more.

"Thank God! Otherwise Jason would've killed me! Not that I would've  accepted  your offer obviously"

"And why would Jason do that?"

"Trust me, I know Jason pretty well and something isn't right when you're around him" Adam explained.

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