Chapter 10- A Deal with Bill

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Mabel's POV

"And what might that be," Bill asked in a voice that could strike fear into thousands of people, but I stood my ground.

"My freedom," I said sternly.

I knew Dipper, Grunkle Stan, and Grunkle Ford were coming for me, but just in case it takes longer than I expect I just might be able to get out before they come to rescue me.

"Normally I'm not so generous, but I'm in an abnormally good mood today," his voice said making me tremble with fear for a good second "so name your price," he finished.

"You will be my servant for month and three weeks," he said.

I was kind of suspicious about the offer. After all, being a servant seemed easy enough, but easy was not Bill's game. He tried to make things as difficult as he could for other people. None the less it was my only shot of getting out of here myself. If my family does take to long to rescue me I'm afraid he might kill me when he doesn't need me anymore.

"I also want my own room with all the things I need like: clothes, a bathroom, a toothbrush, and other stuff like that. Also, since I'll be your servant won't I need energy?" I explained in hopes of bettering my current living conditions.

"You eat twice a day," he said casually.

"Three," I argued.

"Two or the deals off," he said annoyed.

"Fine," I said upset.

"But," he added, "if you try running away I will most definitely kill you."

"Is it a deal?" he said snapping his fingers, making the cell vanish and out stretching his arm, engulfing it in blue flames.

I thought about it for a minute.

"Deal," I said shaking his hand making it official.

"Follow me," was his simple reply.

Bill's POV

I walked down the long and lifeless corridor till I came to the door I was looking for.

I walked in and she followed close behind.

"Here is your room. Just go straight down the hallway and you'll see a door. That's where you need to be. You have 10 minutes," I explained then left.

I started walking down the hallway, while thinking. I knew being a servant was an easy task and anybody that knew me would most likely think I'd gone soft, but finishing this machine would be my ticket to ruling the world. Shooting Star just happened to throw me a bone by making a deal with me. Now the project would be done a little quicker. Then again, if she didn't make the deal she'd be dead once I got done making the machine. I wouldn't need her after I was done.

More thoughts started flooding my head consuming me. Doubts about making the machine. I had to reassure myself that this was a good idea. Being invincible was sure convincing enough. After all, my emotional state was already protected. No one could thaw the ice around my frozen heart. I am practically emotionless, except for my anger. Now my physical state would be protected too. The next time I get turned to stone it may take centuries for someone to set me free, but if I become invincible I'll be fine.

I made it to the room and opened the door. Inside it was the machine Shooting Star would be helping me work on. It could destroy ANYTHING (except for me when I become invincible of course). I honestly didn't care if he destroyed the planet. I was going to destroy it after I took it over anyways, but now I don't have to. I can watch him destroy it for me.

'For her' one side of my mind said. 'Your doing it for her' he added.

'You can't. You know she wouldn't want this. You don't want this. You'll be no better than them if you do this' the other said worried.

By this point I knew the first voice was the evil one and the second one was the good one.

'I tell you, you do a damn good job of convincing people, but this is his only chance. Think about how they killed her. Think about how the humans murdered her and felt no remoarse. They laughed' the evil side explained.

'This won't bring her back. It won't. She'll never come back and you know that. Besides, you'll be killing innocent people. Just like they killed her. You killed all the people that murdered her. There's no one to blame now' the good voice said.

'What does he know? All humans are evil and look out for their own interest. Remember how Sixer made a deal with you just because he wanted to figure out how to make a portal, Mabel wanted summer to last forever, and Gideon wanted the deed. All selfish acts of one person' it said.

'Bill don't do it. Remember that night when you saw those people. They had the cold eyes of a murderer when they killed her. Remember that. Remember how you couldn't control your anger. They had fear striking in their eyes and for that split moment you had those same murderous eyes. You vowed to never do that again. It was a massacre. The ground was stained with their blood and bodies layed lifeless. You showed no remoarse in killing them, just like they did her' the good side said.

'Yea, you made a vow and you've lived up to it. You haven't used it since then. Besides, they deserved it. You need this. You DESERVE this' the voice simply said.

'You don't honestly want this do you' the other voice said.

"No, I want her back," he mumbled to himself.

'Exactly. What better way to avenge her than this. Do it' he paused.

'For her' he whispered deviously.

"For her," I said like a mindless drone.

The good voice just sighed in disappointment.

'You know what's right' he said whispering as he puffed away.

I saw the door swing open and there was Mabel. She changed into something that was easy to work in. (The picture up top except without the earring, handkerchief, and smile -obviously).

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