8- The Life of a Prisoner

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A/N-Sorry for taking so long. I should have one more update today. I will start updating a lot more. I am so sorry, but here's chapter 8. By the way, I know I'm making a few grammical errors. I will fix them once I'm completely done with the story.

Bill's POV

It was almost ready. Just a few more parts and then I'd be done. Then, I would be invincible. I'd finally be able to get rid of the Pines family. I'd have to admit I would miss them a little. After all, ol' sixers and Pine Tree did make me test my smarts and help me get keener at noticing disadvantages I'd have in fights. It's truly such a shame I'd have to kill them.

(Note: Bill is still in human form because he can get more done in that form) Realizing I had to check on Shooting Star, I left from out my work room. I stopped for a second noticing I was still in my casual clothes, which was: a white button up shirt with a green vest, black slacks, my black tie, and my regular shoes. Of course, since I was working I had my sleeves rolled up to my elbow. I knew I had to change before I went in there, so I snapped my fingers and I was in my regular clothes.

I walked down the long, bland hallway towards Mabel's dungeon.

I really did like the human world because of it's beautiful colors. That's part of the reason I wanted to take it over. The other is something I'd try my hardest to forget. Combining this world with my world is my number one goal.

Before I knew it I was in front of Shooting Star's dungeon.

I slowly opened the door to see Shooting Star in the corner holding her legs up to her chest. She stared at me, trying to hide the fear in her eyes and cover it with bravery.

"Good afternoon Shooting Star," I said, giving her my signature evil grin.

"What do you want?" she half snarled, half mummbled.

"Just came to see if you were awake," I casually said, my grin falling.

"How long was I out?" she questioned, not letting her guard down.

"Yesturday and this morning," I nonchalantly said.

Her dress was still covered in blood and it recked of old blood in the cell.Her was a mess and her eyes were droopy, probably from crying. Her cheeks we're puffy and her bangs stuck to her head from the dry blood. Just as i was about to speak her stomach grumbled. However, she still was in defense mode.

"Here's some grits," I once again said casually. "After you finish you can take a shower using the soap on the sink and brush your teeth," I finished while snapping my fingers and making toothpaste, a toothbrush, and a shower (with curtains of course) appear.

"I almost forgot clothes," I said snapping again making clothes appear, as I made my way towards the door.

"Why?" she mubbled, just as I put my hand on the door to leave and cracked it.

"Why what?" I said while turning half way around.

"Why are you trying to keep me alive? " she whispered, barely audible.

"Why wouldn't I," was my reply, as I turned to look at her face, slightly grinning.

"You despise me as a human being and you attempted to kill me more than once," she said a normally voice this time.

'Well I guess I have proof that she's not as dumb as Stan after all' I told myself.

"Far point," I said turning back towards the door. "Let's just say your the fuel to a car I want to steer," I said and left.

Mabel's POV

'What does he mean by that?' I asked myself.

I walked towards the bowl of grits. Of course he wouldn't leave me a spoon, so I have to eat with my hands.

As I was eating I thought about what he said. I'm the gas to a car he want to steer. Since my family is worried about me he must want to......

"CONTROL THEM," I yelled in shock.

By this time I was done eating, so I took a shower, while I was thinking. 'What could I do to stop him?' I thought.

After I was done I put on the clothes he gave me. It was a pink dress with a Shooting Star on it. Of course he would give me this.

(Her dress- I am not the owner of this picture )

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(Her dress- I am not the owner of this picture )

I was starting to get drowsy, so I went in the corner (still no bed) and doused off in the corner. Before I fell asleep I thought of Grunkle Ford and Stan and Dipper, Brenda and Candy, Pacifica, and even Gideon.

A/N- I know it was short, but at least I updated. Only one more update to go (for today).

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