Good-bye for Now

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Mabel's POV

We are in the maze and it's like 10:09p.m. by now and I was still with this strange man. He was leading us through the maze. It's fun spending time with him. Even though he acts all tough and everything he's really a sweet guy. I feel like I can really be myself. The only people I've acted my true self with is Dipper, Candy, Grenda, and now...him. I really want to know who he is. I feel like I've already met him before.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously, finally deciding to ask him. "Bil-Billie, ie not y," he said stuttering. Why did he stutter and why does that name sound so familiar? "What's yours?" he asked still walking us out the maze. "My what?" I asked because I was only half paying attention. "Your name?" he said rolling his eyes jokingly at me. " The names Mabel," I said in a joking way. "Mabel Pines," I finished. I was happy we finally exchanged names, but for some reason he stopped. "What's wrong," I asked him concerned. "Nothing," he said coldly. "Nothing at all," he finished sending a chill down my back. He started to walk again still trying to lead us out. The nice and warm atmosphere changed to one of cold and darkness.

After a while we finally got out of the maze. I thought if we left the maze behind the cold and dark atmosphere would leave, but it stayed. Billie went at a faster pace. "Could you slow down please," I asked sweetly. He stopped for a second, turned around, and looked at me coldly. Once he turned back around he went at the same pace. Ever since I told him my name he's been acting strange. What did I do? I don't think I did anything wrong? Did I? I continued following him, but silently because I didn't want anymore bad things happening. I actually thought I could act myself around him. I guess I thought wrong. But I already showed him the real me. Usually it takes me a while to open up to someone and show them the real me. Why did I show him so quick?

Bill's POV (or should I say Billie)

How could I not recognize my own enemy? Well I guess it HAS been a long time. I have to get away from her before she figures out my true identity. If she figures out who I am it will be like that time I tried to take her cotton candy. I still remember those times. A pestering thing she really was. I miss her. Why of all people does shooting star have to remind me a little of her. I'm sure they would've been best friends had she not passed.

I didn't even realize where I was walking til we lined up in front of a cotton candy stand. As soon as two girls left the line I heard Mabel scream. Right in my ear too. No denying it. She does act like her. "Why did you scream," I growled as a few people starred at us for a split second cause of here screaming. "It's Grenda and Candy," she said as she started jogging towards them. I on the other hand had to leave. I couldn't risk staying and old sixer, or pine tree, or even her figuring me out. I don't think Stan is capable of remember a lot of things, or anything for that matter.

Mabel's POV

"Grenda, Candy," I shouted again. I didn't care how many people starred at me. The both looked at me. "Is that you Mabel?" Grenda asked more sure than curious. "Yea, hey guys," I said cheerful and I gave them both a hug. "By the way," I said backing away from them one step after giving them a hug. "This is Billie," I said gesturing towards them, but when I looked beside me no one was there. " Where is he?" I asked myself looking around to see if he got lost. "Do you want us to help you look for him?" Candy said kindly. "Don't worry about it," I mutered in a fake cheerful voice.

Things ended bad with me and Bill, I mean Billie. Where did the name Bill come from? I feel like I've heard it before. Whatever. I still didn't want things to end off a bad note with me and Billie.

"Shall we catch up with each other?" I asked both them cutting in between them and occupying both my arms by wrapping them around Candy and Grenda as we started walking. "Okay, for starts who is this Billie?" Grenda asked with a grin. "Nobody," I said trying to forget about him. Goodbye for now, Billie.

Bill's POV

"Goodbye for now, shooting star," I said sinisterly with a grim grin.

A/N- I'm so glad I got a chapter done within in three days even though I've had school. YAY!!! By the way I will TRY to update two chapters this weekend. Thanks for all my supporters. I hope you have a good weekend. Until next time.

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