"I'm a Heartbroken Hostage"

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A/N- Sorry for the late update but I'm going to try and make 1 more update today. Sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy.

Ford's POV

     We all got in the car in a rush. Anything with Bill was bound to be bad news for everyone.

     "Drive to the park and step on it," since I didn't know where Mabel was taken to I listened to Dipper. If they took the woods they'll make it faster than us because the woods are quicker and the roads full of unnesscary turns. I pushed the gas pedal as hard as I could because I lost the kids once and I wasn't going to do it again.

     After Weirdmagedon was finally over and Mabel and Dipper had left about 30 seconds ago everything started to fall apart again. Someone must have summoned Bill because that was the only way he could have come back. Apparently something happened to the bus Mabel and Dipper were on because we found them not too far from us. This time Dipper defeated Bill, but not in the way that would fix everything. He only drove Bill off leaving him to still roam around and our town still left a wreck. The government found out and it was on the news. That's how their parents found out. Stan re-took ownership of the Mystery Shack again and I couldn't go to Antartic because we were too sad. So of course Soos got his job still, but we closed the shack down for the first week of the twins arrival. I didn't even convince Stan he thought of the idea for that and the carnival.

     By the time I was done thinking we were already there. We all got out the car and spotted Mabel and Bill. They didn't see us, so this was a great opportunity to sneak up on them and then I heard Stan yell ,"Mabel". CRAP!!!

Bill's POV

"Billie is Bill," he screamed to Mabel as she turned around , then I just smiled deviously watching it play out. Her face went worried and just as she was about to run I grabbed her and floated up. She screamed, kicked, and more, but saddly for her nothing worked. To prevent from dealing with extra trouble besides these three I put her unconcious.

     After, I looked down at the three people standing before me. "Put her down," sixer grumbled loudly. "What exactly are you gonna do about it ol' sixers?" I said laughing insanely at how foolish he sounded. "We beat you once and we'll do it again," Dipper said screaming, rage filling is eyes. "Not this time," I said. "You see, I don't need ANY distractions during my little project, so try and kill me and I will kill her, try and set her free and I will kill her." "What makes you think we can't kill you?" Stan said his face tightening. "Well, I'm kind of gonna be invincible the next time you see me so ya." "What do ya-," before ol sixer could finish his statement I was already gone.

Dipper's POV


     Tears we're in the corner of my eyes, but I refused to give in to Bill. ESPECIALLY, when he takes someone I love.

     Ford looked confused like he was thinking at first, then his face came to realization. "How did he escape?" Stan asked knowing how Ford works. " He teamed up with someone. They said if he finished something for him they would make a deal. Bill would exchange the device to be invincible," Ford said eyes wide. "We're not just dealing with Bill here, we're dealing with unnatural things," he said worriedly. "Like what?" I scaredly asked not wanting to know the answer. "Like a person with natural magic," Ford said. "So like Gideon," I was hoping. I knew he said natural, but I was hoping he made a mistake. "No... natural," he said still in a dazed state. "Oh no," I said.

Mabel's POV

     When I woke up I had a major headache. I slowly looked around and observed my surroundings. Everything was balck and white, there was no color. I was in a room. Half of it was a dungeon and the other side was for visitors. I was in the dungeon side. There was no bed just a toilet, a toilet paper roll and a sink with soap on the side. No shower, no bed. The floor was freezing cold since the floor was hard flooring and the walls were medal. Since I had on a dress my arms and legs were freezing because the air was cold too.

     Hot tears started streaming down my face. I trusted "Billie" and I was wrong for it. I thought I could trust him. I know I rushed into things, but he seemed like a person that just needed a friend and would be perfectly fine. Turns out it was only Bill. Only a monster who loves harming people.

     "Where am I," I mumbled, then all of a sudden I saw yellow in a corner. "Come out Bill and tell me where I am," I said anger filling my voice. He was still in his human form. "Now, now is that a way to treat your host," he said. "Hosts are suppose to entertain. None of this is entertaining to me," I snapped at him. "Oh, so you do have brains, I thought you were just there, just like Stan is to Ford. Holding your brother back. Relying on his smarts," he said smiling.

     I wanted to cry, but I couldn't let him know he got to me.

     "By the way," he said obviously remembering something. " You are now in my lovely world, the dreamscape," he said bowing. "What am I doing here," I growled at him. "Well I don't need anyone messing with my plans," he said not smiling as wide this time. "My family will come for me and they WILL kill you," I told him. I know it's harsh, but he's tried to kill me and the people I love MORE than once. "Oh trust me, they won't be bothering me unless they want you dead," he told me eyes, glowing with happiness. "Your sick," I screamed. He just laughed and said, "Why thank you." I got mad by this time. I stood up and stayed where I was at." You are a horrible, heart-less, loathed, low-life, despicable monster. That's probably why you don't have a family, so far that I've seen," I yelled tired of him and this. I thought everyone deserved a second chance, but not him.

     He froze for a while til finally he turned red. Fear stretched across my eyes. I knew something bad was going to happen and this time we weren't in someones mind, so he could really harm me. "HAS anyone ever told you NOT to play with knives Shooting Star," my heart raced as I backed to the corner. His teeth grew razor sharp. He smiled the biggest and most sinister smile I've ever seen. His smile was too big to describe. The dungeon door flew open.

Bill's POV

     I saw fear strike Shooting Star's eyes. Three knives were around me. One above my head and one by each side of my waist. I could put up with ANYTHING she said, EXCEPT when she brung up my family. "Shall we learn what happens when you don't listen," I told her in a disoriented voice tilting my head to the side a little still smiling. I had a knife slash through part of her check, leg, and a few on her arms. She screamed in pain, which then turned to a low weep. There was a bunch of blood on the floor. She fell to her knees and soon fell to the floor in her own blood. I felt a ping of guilt and sadness, but pushed it to the side. I knew she wasn't going to die because I've done this before. I know where not and where to cut. She WILL be light-headed and weak for a while though. That will teach her to disrespect me and bring up my family. I kicked her body to the side to move it from out the blood and have her face facing this ceiling. I heard a light grunt when I kicked her. I cleaned up the blood and left. After she wakes up she can get cleaned up.

Mabel's POV

Before I passed out. Through all the pain. I managed to think to myself 'So I'm just a heartbroken hostage'.

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