17 and Pregnant ( A Spoby story)

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Hanna, Emily, and I were sitting in my room waiting for Aria to come back from the barn. To say that I was nervous was an understatement, I  was terrified of what the outcome may be. This little thing would change so much, how would I go to university, how would I get a good job? My thought were interrupted by Aria bursting through the doors.

" Did you get it" I asked. Aria just simply nodded back.

I went into the bathroom and did what the instructions on the box said. When I came out Hanna asked" How long?" " 3 minutes" I replied back. As Hanna was setting the timer I was literally praying for the best result.

The silence was interrupted by a loud by faint beep. We all glanced down at the little stick. Two lines were in scarlet red. SHIT 'POSITIVE, I thought.


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